Chapter 3: Why Doesn't America Have Trains? WAY Better Than Planes

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Hazel POV

Hecate was definitely favoring me. Comparing the notes, she very obviously gave me the most powerful wand. Which, to be honest, I was worried about. What if I wasn't able to use it well? What if it was too powerful? What if I send someone to the hospital with it? What if-

"C'mon Hazel!" Leo called, interrupting my thoughts. We were apparently near Platform 9 3/4.

"Coming!" I said.

There was a pretty large crowd between platforms 9 and 10, so I assumed it was somehow there. But, when the crowd thinned out and we could see the third pillar in between 9 and 10, it wasn't like the others. Instead of brick, there was a platform with people shouting spells in robes, owls flying past, kids saying bye to their families, and way more. All inside the pillar. For a demigod, this wasn't that far fetched, but I still walked up to Piper.

"Uh, you see the magical stuff happening in that pillar too, right?" She asked before I could speak.

"Uh huh. Nico, do you see it?" I asked to my brother on my right.

"Yup," he said nonchalantly.

"Well, the Mist is definitely hiding that. I think it's also hiding it from the wizards, look," I pointed out a small 11 year old. He was telling a woman who I assumed was his mother that it was just a brick wall, then some 16 year old ran into the and appeared on the other side, and the 11 year old pointed that out.

We confirmed with Leo, Will, Percy, and Annabeth that they could see it too and confirmed with Mrs. Weasley that wizards couldn't. Then, we all had to run into the weird pillar. Yay.

~~~~~~time skip to when they get on the train~~~~~~

    If you want my opinion on trains, here it is: America should have them. The only time I've traveled normally long distances was when going to Alaska from Louisiana, by plane. The flight had so much turbulence and was sickening. I didn't know it at the time, but that was Zeus/Jupiter, angry that a child of Pluto was in his domain. Trains, however, were much safer.

    We were able to find a big compartment, just large enough to fit Harry, Ron, Hermione, and us demigods. Annabeth immediately started sketching some building in her sketchbook, and Leo started tinkering with random stuff from his tool belt. Buford 2.0 and Penelope were chasing each other around above our heads, and my adorable cat Marie was cuddling with Bianca in one big kettle. Nico fell asleep on Will's, who looked pretty happy, shoulder and the rest of us were talking with the trio about Hogwarts. But I'd bet Annabeth was also listening.

    Ron was just explaining the Houses when he noticed something. "And Rave- er, Leo, what's that?" He pointed to Leo's invention.

    It was like a small bronze moth with a separate controller. Leo grinned. "This, my ginger friend, is an advanced owl toy. Watch."

    He put the moth on his opposite knee and made it fly with the controller. Penelope noticed it first and tried chasing it, but Leo kept dodging her advances. Even when Buford 2.0 noticed, they still couldn't catch it.

    "That's bloody amazing!" Ron exclaimed. It was pretty cool, but not the most impressive thing Leo made by far.

    That's when I realized: this was the past. They're not used to this kind of thing. It was like when Nico introduced me to the present when he brought me back. I was so surprised by everything different from the 1940s.

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