Chapter 15: Snowblind with You

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Song Credits: Au5 - Snowblind (feat. Tasha Baxter)

Italic - Importance/Texting //// Bold - Emphasis/Texting //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

"-I'm runnin' away from a past I left behind..."


We spent the last few weeks together, Sama always making sure to give me the affection that I needed. We'd cuddle on the couch, her humming calming me.

She'd cook for me, even though I could on my own, but the way she would look at me with those bright red eyes of hers, I cave in.

Then we'd spend nights under her tree, watching the stars together. She'd always comment how they made my eyes sparkle brightly.

I loved her more than anything, and was extremely happy that my coworkers mentioned me needing to take a break, leading me here.

I was forever grateful towards them.

And the fact that she was like me in a way, it felt right for us to be in love with each other. Even though she was deceptive before, I feel like she was changing for the better.


The both of us were out exploring again, her listening to me talk. Apparently Sama had somewhere to show me, and I was excited just thinking about it.

She covers my eyes, making me hold onto her arm. Then she says, "Open your eyes dear." I gasp at what I saw. A garden with a Strange building by it.

It looked like something that Sama would be in all of the time, and there even was a white butterfly on a lantern.

"What is this place, Sama?" I was genuinely confused on what about this place was special to her. It seems that she must've been here before, to even remember where it was.

"My maze. I had chased my enemy throughout the village, and he eventually escaped. I would also hum my tune while looking for him. However it seems to still be an important place to me..."

I nod. "So, about this village, were there people here at some point? I mean there must've been, for it to be built."

She replies. "Yes, however I had chased them out, putting them inside of my... Guardians. They were called Fleshbags, made of my own kind. And they were meant to guard scrolls about us."

I almost get sick at hearing that explanation. 'Her own kind? But why not the others too? Or were they just made by her to guard some scrolls?'

Sama looks concerned at me. "I'm sorry, I know that kind of thing sickens humans. I should've known not to bring that up."

I nod up at her, trying to make her feel better about it. "It's alright, besides I asked a question that was related to it. Also, thanks for respecting me, not many do that anymore..."

She smiles, and picks me up, hugging me from behind. I squirm some when she does, soon relaxing in her arms. She runs her fingers through my hair, and I sigh out in contention.

Then she asks if I was ready to go now. "I understand if you're tired butterfly, so are you ready to go home now?" I nod my head some, drifting off in her arms.


(Sama's POV)

Skyelle looked so adorable in my arms, her hand on my wrist. She had her eyes closed, and seemed to be tired. And after what happened, it it was obvious that she needed rest.

I gave her more attention lately, trying to reassure her of my love for her. It seemed that she had a dream of my past self, who was heartless and played with her puppets.

The very woman that I didn't want to be anymore...

But Skyelle, my Butterfly was someone that had seen and been in horrible situations with people that made her feel wrong.

I was worried that someone might try to hurt her again, or even take her from me. I had to make sure that my creator wouldn't dare to touch her.

The very one that was disappointed in my failure, and called me a useless tool when I died as Saigomo. I almost growl at how my allies reacted when I had died to a sword wielded by one of our hated enemies.

They most likely laughed, and watched my lifeless body as it dissipated into nothing. But I had a second chance with my darling human, who managed to revive me.

I don't know how she did it, but I came back alive when she did. It was like some greater power than my creator had control over the world made it happen.


I set her on the couch with me, deciding to watch the "show" that she had introduced me to, something about aquatic creatures that were also human girls.

It was an interesting one that's for sure, but it was something that I actually enjoy. I also had some tea that she bought me the other day, and was sipping it some as I watch.

Then she wakes up at some point, eyes going towards the screen. I smile when she hugs me, kissing my cheek. I might've been blushing too.

Skyelle yawns, stretching her arms which makes her shirt lift up some. I smile deviously when I raise a hand towards her.

However she wasn't expecting it, so I tackle her onto the couch. She turns bright red when I kiss her face. My claws hold onto her wrists, keeping her from moving too much.

My butterfly leans up some, and she closes her eyes, waiting for my next move. She looked so beautiful right there, my red eyes looking at her face as she lets me love her.

"Sama, please don't tease me-" I bite her neck, the girl clearly unexpecting it to happen. However she wasn't in pain, and she seemed to be enjoying it.

I let go, licking the mark on her neck. She opens her blue eyes, staring into mine as I snuggle her close. Then she says something to me as I close my eyes.

"Okay, since the month's almost over, we'll have to go back to my country tomorrow, so I'm just letting you know first thing." 

I nod as she kisses me again. "What's it like?" She sounds confused. "My home? I mean besides all of the people that are absolutely mean, the food is bleh, and I'll definitely miss Japan's foods. And the culture here is so beautiful..."

Humming a response to her, "Maybe one day we can come back here? And I don't know, have a family?" She stutters at my casual answer.

"I don't know man, that sounds nice. But wouldn't people judge us? It's not normal for a witch and a human to be together anyways." 

My eyes look up at her, seeing her internal fight. I put a hand under her chin, holding her face close to me. "Wouldn't you know that I won't care about anyone's opinions besides yours? So what if we're together, it's definitely better than when I was evil..."

My butterfly answers me after a bit. "Yeah, I like this you more than anything..." 

"Really? I mean I'm not exactly the best person from my past. All I did was scare people when they read that story about me. Not many people are that kind to me..."

She cuddles closer to me, and I wrap a hand around her hip. "Well, you deserve much better than how they treated you. And besides, you're changing."

I couldn't agree any less with her.

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