Chapter 2 - "I'm moving in, Brother!"

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Jamie walked up the steps to her apartment. She opened up the door to her roommate sitting at the table.
"Oh! Er, umm hi...I didn't expect you home yet."
"I had the day off. Why are you home so early?"
" ...let go ...again.."
Her roommate sighed heavily.  "Jamie, we talked about this. I can't keep covering all of rent as you sit around twiddling your thumbs."
"That is not what I am doing. I can't help it if I don't have a Daddy to buy me a new car..."
"You probably sell it anyways saying it's not good enough"
"What the hell?! I'm doing the best I can. Maybe I should just move out?"
"Yes, you should."
Jamie was stunned by the directness of that statement. She wasn't expecting her to just be like "yes, now do it" ...but she didn't show it.
"Fine! I'll be out by noon!" Jamie went into her room and slammed the door. She threw herself on the bed and screamed into her pillow.
"Ugh! Where am I gonna go? Steve ain't gonna want me hanging around...he barely talks to me as it is."
She got up and packed up the few things she had...and headed out to town.

Across town:
"Whoa, brother slow down!" Thor grabbed Loki by the shoulder and stopped him in his tracks.
"Let me go!" Loki shrugged off Thor's hand from his shoulder.
"Not until you tell me why we have to go see Dr. Strange!"
"I can't explain at the moment...I just need to speak with him."
Loki took off walking towards Dr. Strange's house.
Thor ran after him and caught up with him as Strange opened the door.
"The Odinson Brothers! What do I owe the pleasure?" Dr. Strange motioned for them to come inside.
"We had an agreement, Strange!"
"What do you mean? I...haven't told..."
"Okay, someone tell me what's going on and now!" Thor gripped Mjölnir tightly with one hand as he looked between Loki and Dr. Strange.
Loki looked at his brother then back at Strange and sighed.
"That girl we met earlier. She had a vision as I helped her off the ground."
"And? What does that have to do with him?"
"He used his magic to protect her. I guess touching me made some of the memories come back....but now she might be in danger...which is why I involved you in the first place..." Loki seethed and walked towards Dr. Strange.
"I did what you asked. I am not sure what is going on. And wait, what do you mean by a vision?"

All of a sudden, the door flew opened and in walked Jamie.
"Brother! Guess what....I'm gonna live here now!"
She stopped when she noticed all 3 of them staring at her.
"Oh! Sorry..didn't realize you had company....wait, aren't you the two that I ran into earlier?"
Thor smiled softly.  "Yes, we are...we had some ummm Avenger business with your brother..."
"Oh! I didn't realize you guys were apart of the almighty avengers" Jamie rolls her eyes and did a mock throw up motion.
"Jamie! Be nice!" Steven said firmly as Loki chuckled next to him.
"Why? I don't think I could stomach another one of your stories about them. Especially that Tony Stark dude.
She looked towards Loki and smiled.  "Wait, I know you!"
Loki stiffened at her words and stuttered.
"I..I beg ...your pardon?"
"You was the one who threw almighty Iron Man out the window during the battle of New York...good job! Wish I could've seen his face!"
She smiled as she folded her arms and leaned against the wall.
Loki relaxed some and smiled at her.
"Well, I could arrange it again...just for you my dear."
He thought to himself. "She always loved watching me in battle..somethings always stay the same" He couldn't help but smile a goofy grin to himself as he thought of certain memories.

"Jamie! I need to finish up go into the living room and we will talk about your ..umm announcement in a little while "
Jamie rolled her eyes and pulled herself off the wall.
"Fine! But I am not taking no for an answer. See you when you are done."
She walked towards the living room area as the three of them started walking towards Dr. Strange's lair.

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