(1) Oatmeal with raisins

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With Taehyung

Kim Taehyung pricked the weird, white, gunk like mixture with his fork, throwing a disgusted glare at it when he saw little, brown spots in it. "Taehyung, you're supposed to eat it with a spoon" he heard his mother say. She looked happy this early in the morning, she's the one who served him this poison. Taehyung had to eat healthy, being a model means having to be on diets almost all the time. Taehyung hated it.

I don't think I'm supposed to eat this at all

He didn't want to make his mom sad by telling her she's feeding poison to her son, so he ate it, very slowly. He just could not get the weird, white, almost liquid like food through his throat, he just couldn't. He smiled in victory when he saw a little, white ball of fluff appearing under the table, that was licking his slippers. It was Gucci, his cute little dog. He waited until his mother left the kitchen en then shoved the bowl with poison under the table, chuckling when Gucci immediately started to lick and eat it.

"Kim Taehyung, what do you think you're doing!?" Taehyung flinched when he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and let out a sigh a of relieve. Luckily it was only his little sister who was trying to tease him. She's a true angel, really. But if she wants to she can also be the devil himself.

"Lila, don't scare me like this, hm?" He placed the little kid on his lap, kissing both of her cheeks. The girl was 7 years old, a lot younger than Taehyung himself. But that didn't mean that Taehyung didn't love his sister, he would do everything just to see a smile on her pretty face. Even if that meant dancing around in a purple unicorn onesie with her in the rain at night, which he had to do a lot more often than he'd like.

"But it's funny to see your reaction taetae" the 7 year old girl giggled and squeezed her older brother's cheeks, who was also giggling with her. But then they both flinched when they heard their dad shout.

"Who put purple hair dye in my shampoo?!" The man didn't really look happy. He immediately looked at Taehyung who looked at his little sister in disbelief.

"It wasn't me daddy, I was here the whole time. But I saw taetae going upstairs an hour ago" she said innocently, batting her eyelashes. And Taehyung remembered that his little sister is the devil in disguise.

"First of all, I'd like to say that it wasn't me. And why so angry about it? You're going bald anyway" Taehyung said, checking his nails. "I'm not going bald you little shit! And if you two didn't do it, then who was it? The gnomes that live in our house?" Mr Kim said sarcastically and Taehyung and Lila were struggling to hold their laughter. "Honey, they didn't do it, I'm sure" Taehyung and Lila let out a sigh of relieve when they heard their mother's calm voice.

"By the way, purple is totally your color, honey" the middle aged woman smirked and winked at her husband, making the two siblings almost puke. "Oh, is that so?" Mr Kim was suddenly not even angry anymore. "Come here my sexy hubby" mrs Kim said while walking to her husband, kissing him on the lips.

Taehyung and Lila stared at their parents with disgusted expression on their faces. Taehyung covered both of their eyes, his little sister wasn't ready to have a trauma yet. "We're too young for live porn, we're still innocent, little kids you know?" Taehyung said and their parents immediately broke their kiss, looking at him with a done expression.

"Taehyung, you're a grown up" they both said in unison and they all started laughing. "I'm not, I'm still a kid. See, I even gave Gucci my food- oops" Taehyung ran upstairs immediately, taking his little sister with him.

"Kim Taehyung, come here this instant! I'm a good cook, my oatmeal is yummy!" Their mother shouted and Taehyung and Lila giggled together in Taehyung's bedroom, hearing their mother shout from downstairs.

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