Self Love

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In this realm where hearts interweave,My spirit dances and learns to believe.

Embracing flaws, a symphony of scars,Love, like a beacon, shines through the stars.

I paint my canvas, strokes bold and free,A masterpiece, a true reflection of me.

For in my depths, an ocean of grace,A self-love oasis, a sacred space.

The mirror's gaze, a fickle charade,For beauty resides beyond mere façade.

Unearthing treasures, hidden within,A journey to love that forever begins.

The rivers flow, as gentle whispers say,Embrace your essence, in every way.

Each imperfection, a note in the choir,A kaleidoscope of dreams, set afire.

In the hollows of my soul, a truth unfolds,Self-love blooms, a story yet untold.

With every step, I choose to embrace,The magic within, my saving grace.No longer seeking, in others I find,

Unyielding love, in my heart aligned.For in the embrace of self, I stand,

A warrior of love, I hold my hand.So let me love fiercely, let me forgive,Let my heart blossom, let my spirit live.For in self-love's light, I'll surely rise,Soaring above, the limitless skies.

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