8. The Dance

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DAYLE CAMP IS COMING TO AN END since a couple of weeks had already passed. Most of it were me and Ebony reading under the sunlight on the tree branch swinging freely. But that didn't stop us from actually having fun.

When I was eating my breakfast outside of my cabin, a sudden announcement went off. "Attention dear campers! Since camp is coming to an end, why don't we celebrate by having a ball classic dance? It'll be held tomorrow. Starting now, everybody's required to practice for the dance." Huh, good thing I've brought my dark rosy ball gown.

I think I'll totally win this.

"Will you go to the Camp Ball with me?" A familiar voice breaks near me. It looks like Dennis took his chance to be with Clarisse. The fashion diva of my trio. I was expecting that she would say yes to him, but it turns out she looked at him from his hair down to his muddy sneakers.

"You're fine, but no thanks. A fictional man already has my heart, and I'm loyal as heck." Dennis rolled his eyes and sighed in disbelief. "Uck, fine. Maybe I don't need you anyways."

I on the other hand, tried looking for a partner, or rather wait for one. All of the responses were the same. "Sorry, no." Was all I heard. Before I knew it, the dance instructor was here. She looked quite disappointed in me.

"Alright, who has no partner?" She quickly yelled, as I stand there like a fool. Suddenly, a girl stepped in as everybody watched her slowly ascend into me. "I'll do." Ebony smiled. Well, this is actually fine. I can dance with her.

Feeling a twinge of disappointment, I glanced around, hoping to spot a friendly face willing to share a dance. It was then that Ebony, with a gleam in her eye, approached me.

"Well, looks like we're both standing partner-less," she remarked with a playful smirk.I chuckled, embracing the lightheartedness of the moment. "Seems like it. Who knew finding a dance partner could be this challenging?"

As the dance instructor took center stage, signaling the beginning of the festivities, the realization set in that I might not find a partner in time. Ebony, sensing the situation, extended her hand with a grin.

"Shall we?" she asked, her eyes reflecting a genuine warmth that resonated with the spirit of the evening. I took her hand, and together we joined the other campers on the dance floor. The soft strains of music enveloped us as we moved in harmony, our laughter blending with the melodies.

"So, did you have any specific dance moves in mind?" Ebony teased, guiding me through the steps with effortless grace. I laughed, realizing the spontaneity of the moment. "I was hoping you'd lead the way. I'm a bit rusty on the dance floor."

Ebony twirled me playfully, her laughter echoing in the night air. "No worries, neither am I. Let's just enjoy the dance and make our own moves."

And so, beneath the starlit sky, Ebony and I danced away any lingering disappointments, creating a memory that would be etched in the tapestry of our summer adventure. The dance floor transformed into a realm of shared joy, proving that sometimes, the most unexpected dance partners turn out to be the perfect ones.

The night dawned in and we took some sleep.

When the morning daylight washed the whole camp, I hopped out of my bed and inserted my bunny slippers. I quickly went into the bathroom and took a refreshing bath. After I had took a bath, I grabbed my dark red rosy ball gown dress and twirled around inside my room, windows closed of course.

"I can't wait to actually dance with this." My last words before I put on my puffs.

As the evening sun painted warm hues across the camp, casting a gentle glow on the surroundings, I retreated to my cabin to prepare for the upcoming dance ball. The anticipation of the night's festivities infused the air with excitement, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness as I prepared to don my dress and add a touch of glamour to the evening.

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