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''have you started the history assignment?'' ruby asked as the two girls walked through the park.

''not really.'' makayla admitted. ''i've barely had any time.''

''busy with chris?'' she teased.

''ruby!'' she exclaimed, pushing her slightly. ''don't say it so loud!''

she scoffed. ''be for real! i saw his comment on your insta post - he called you baby. anybody who saw that knows you're together!''

''we're not together.''

''so what are you doing?'' ruby asked as they both sat on the grass. ''come on, mak, tell me!''

''we're sleeping together.'' she shrugged. ''friends with benefits type thing.''

''he's only sleeping with you?''

''he better be. if he sleeps with anybody else i'll beat his ass.''

ruby laughed. ''you've changed him, makayla.''

''i know.'' she said, flicking her hair dramatically. ''anyway, what about you?''


''yeah, bitch. you and chris act like enemies but i've seen you talking and laughing in class when i'm taking notes.''

ruby smiled. ''he's still salty i called him a bad kisser so he's trying not to like me but i'm fucking funny.''

''do you actually think he's a bad kisser?''

she hesitated. ''he's not the best, but you obviously think different?''

''yeah, he's a great kisser.''

''chris will never be the guy for me.'' ruby shrugged before smiling slightly. ''but i like annoying him and i know he likes annoying me so i'd say he's a friend...kinda.''

''well, are you interested in anybody?''

''i don't know.'' she said truthfully. ''there's one guy who i think i could but he's just really different to me.''

''how come?''

''you know me, mak. i'm always loud and i like being the center of attention and i love going to parties and embarrassing myself when i'm drunk but this guy...he hates attention and he hates that i'm embarrassing.''

''did he say that?''

''no, but i can see it on his face.'' she said miserably. ''and i fucking hate it because i like him.''

''who is the guy?'' makayla asked even though she was pretty sure she already knew.

ruby looked at her for a moment before sighing. ''matt.''

''want me to put in a good word with chris?''

''he'd definietely sabotage me.'' ruby replied with a light smile. ''no, i'm still not sure anyway. i'll figure it out.''

''okay. well, i think you'd be cute together.''

''i think the same about you and chris.''

makayla didn't reply, just rolling her eyes as a response. as soon as chris had left the comment on her instagram, she knew her friends would ask her about it. she didn't even mind telling them, but she hated that people were constantly trying to push them into a relationship.

chris and makayla were not dating, nor did they want to.

she didn't understand why her friends were so adamant that they were. none of them wanted a relationship - they just wanted to have a good time and it was coincidence that the good time happened when they were together.

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now