II: Emotional Damage

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It was orientation day. I never met AJ or Kaitlyn untill  late January, so I had to stick with Sasha and my ex friends. I didn't really like them, but yet again, I had absolutely no choice in it.

We had gotten bored and tired after a long, eventful day of being bossed around by seniors and decided we'd sit on the bleachers.

We all talked about random internet drama, people we've met, etc— while nibbling on snacks we bought from the school's canteen.

The seniors were stupid enough to give the boys a soccer ball. Seriously? A group of annoying freshmen and a ball running around, what could possibly go wrong?

Literally everything. What if  someone dies to asthma? Breaks every bone in their body? Dies to starvation because they forgot to eat breakfast this morning? Falls into the backrooms?

Everyone seemed excited for the time they mindlessly kicked the ball. Every time the boys 'scored', it wouldn't hurt anyone, which was a relief from how aggressive they were playing.

Eventually it got boring and they had the bright idea to aim it at the crowd, to get us all at the edge of our seats and center attention on themselves. They went a few rounds, successfully not hitting anyone.

"Yo Sasha, that ball looks like it's aiming at me."

I laughed at how stupid it was. Out of everyone, that ball looked perfectly aimed at me. Maybe I was just paranoid. All I could do was just pray and hope that nasty, crusty, dusty, busty, musty, rusty, muddy ball doesn't hit me.

And boy did I not pray enough.

The ball flew towards me at an unthinkable speed, in my eyes, that scene was in slow motion. I saw the mischief in its black and green octagons. The nasty look it gave me as it aimed at me, square in the forehead.

Before anything, I hid my face in my best friend's shoulder, hoping it would go past me.

But that just made it even worse.

Like God was planning this to happen— like some cannon event —the ball hit me exactly in the middle of my forehead, bouncing back to the boys.


Everyone on the bleachers looked at me, gossiping to their friend.

"I wanna kill myself."

That's all that ran through my mind. After today, I'd never come back to the surface of the Earth ever again.

"Sorry girl!"

That's even worse. I looked at the boys with pure rage, hoping one day I become a serial killer and they'd be my first victims.

"Go report it to the seniors."

Sasha said while patting my back, stifling a laugh. With rage I stomped towards the useless— and stupid— seniors, not even wanting to be alive


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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