Chapter 47: What? They said that?

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Felix watches as his best friend and his brother leave the apartment, then turns his attention back to the others in the apartment.

Yeji is sitting on the other side of the room, trying to ignore her twin while Ryujin is trying to get her to talk to him.

The Hans and (Oh) Seungmin have left the living room and went into Jisung's room. Felix had noticed that Hyeongjun looked more anxious than usual, maybe something is wrong?

He looks at Changbin, who is sitting beside him, and asks, "Hey, Bin. Is Hyunjin and Yeji okay?"

Changbin looks up from his phone and watches the Hwang Twins, and his heart drops. This type of situation has happened before, Yeji gets told something that disadvantages Hyunjin and she does her best to ignore him.

He takes a deep breath then says, "Yeji, Hyunjin go to the table and sit down"

He did this the last time Yeji was ignoring Hyunjin. He makes them sit down at a table and doesn't let them get up until they talk about the problem.

"Now", Changbin says then the Hwang Twins get up and sit at the table.

Hyunjin sits at one end of the table then Yeji sits at the other. Changbin sits at the side and Ryujin sits infront of him. Felix watches from the sofa, always in awe of his boyfriend's skills in conflict resolution.

"Ok, speak"

Yeji looks at him and tries to act dumb, because she has no idea how to tell Hyunjin, "Speak about what, Changbin?"

"You know what, now speak. I can do this all day, so sit there and don't speak. That is fine", Changbin leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

Yeji sighs and looks down at his her hands that are resting on her lap, "I had that talk with mother and father"

"Ok, did something happen?", Hyunjin asks.

"Yeah", Yeji bites her lip, hesitating because she doesn't want to hurt her brother.

"Hey, come on you can tell me", Hyunjin smiles at her. Her heart breaks at the trust and hope he has in their parents.

"Ok, so", Yeji takes a deep breath, "We left here and got to their house"

"Father started as we sat down," Yeji remembers the night before,  "'Yeji, ourcone and only daughter. We have been talking and we have came to conclusion that we want you to take over the company"

Hyunjin blinks, not expecting that. No one was .

"Ryu and I looked at each other then back at our parents and I asked, 'What about Hyunjin, father?'. Our parents looked at each other then back at me, 'The way we envision our company in future, Hyunjin's approach isn't what we see or the approach we want our company to go' "

"My approach?"

"I asked the same thing and they said 'His views don't correspond with the views of the company' and I was confused the same way you are now, and I asked 'His views? The company's views?'"

"What did they say?"

"Well nothing, because Ryujin understood what they meant before I did, knowing the veiled type of conversation all to well, 'You're not letting Hyunjin take over because of his love life?'"

"What did they say in repsonse to that?", Hyunjin wants to cry but stops himself wanting to know how his parents truly feel about him and his relationship with the man he is in love with.

"Mother sighed and said, 'We love our son, we always will, but as we said his views don't correspond with the company's views. Sorry Hyunjin"

"With the company's views, they're meaning their views?", Hyunjin asks, practically syncing the question Yeji asked the night before.

"Yeah, father said 'The company is us and we are the company'"

"But they seemed so supportive when he came out?", Changbin asks, syncing Ryujin's question she asked after they said that.

"In their words, that's because you came out as bisexual and they thought you'd end up with a girl in the end, like that girl in your art class Bella, but your current relationship with the boy Kim Seungmin seems to becoming more and more permanent"

"Please tell me you said something to that"

"Yeah, that girl is not even on your radar. Why can't they accept the fact that you're in a loving relationship with a man? Would they rather you be in a unloving relationahip with a woman?", Yeji then mocks what their parents say after that, "HiS rElAtIoNsHiP with a man is an aBoMiNatIoN, he will lose people in his life is chooses to continue with it. He will definitely lose us as parents and hopefully, you as a sister"

"What? They said that?"

"I am so sorry Hyunjin. I then asked, 'You want me to destroy my relationship with my brother, my twin because he is in a relationship with a man?"

"Did they dig themselves a deeper hole?", Changbin asks.

"Yeah, they said, 'Yes, because I am sure you do not want your children to grow up with someone like that as their uncle'"

"You? Have kids? Really?", Hyunjin chuckles, "They really don't know you"

"Exactly. I said the same thing basically and they said, 'Someone has to carry our family on'"

"And why does that have to be you? There three kids", Hyunjin is confused.

Yeji continues, "I brought that up to mother and father, asking, 'When will Soonyoung hyung be back from America?' and they said, 'He should be back soon'"

Yeji and Hyunjin haven't seen their eldest brother since he left high school and they joined (they were freshman in high school when he was freshman in college). The friendgroup don't know about Soonyoung except for Changbin and Jeongin, as they grew up with him.

"I hope you said to ask him to give them children", Hyunjin is getting fed up with their parents.

"Yeah, but all they said was, 'Fine. But will you think about the proposition?' and when I begrudgingly agreed they said, 'And don't be telling Hyunjin about this little talk, alright?'"

Ryujin adds, "We agreed while crossing our fingers under the table"

"Ok, thank you for telling me"

Yeji nods, "Yeah, of course. Sorry for ignoring you, I just didn't know how to tell you"

"Yeah, well good on Changbin noticing it and making us talk", Hyunjin says then looks at Changbin, "Thanks, Bin"

"Yeah, thanks Changbin"

"Well, it was Felix who noticed you should thank him"

The twins look at Felix, "Thank you, Felix"

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