~Chapter Two~

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I sat at my vanity, getting ready for today. Emma had offered to hang out earlier, which I agreed to. I stand up and brush out my outfit in the mirror before leaving my room. 

I pop my head into the living room to see Sheryl and Uncle Bill on the couch watching TV. I announce that I will be with Emma most of the day so I won't return until later. They bid their goodbyes and I leave the house, going to Emma's house.

Arriving at Emma's house, I am greeted by her mum. "Emma! Y/N's here!" she called out with a warm smile before inviting me into the house. 

"Emma's in her room" Emma's mum says, gesturing towards her room.

"thank you" I responded with a smile, making my way to Emma's room. 

I open Emma's door and flop onto her bed. After Emma and I talked for a few hours on her bed while she was still in her pyjamas, we decided to go on a walk around town. 

I sat at the end of her bed while she did her makeup. "So... how are you and Gerry going?" I ask, leaning forward a bit. I could see her smiling through the mirror as she put on her blush, "We're doing good. We're going on a date tomorrow" Emma giggles a little.

I smile back at her, "You're really lucky that you've got someone like Gerry" I speak softly. 

Emma puts down her blush and turns in her seat to face me, "What about Alan?" She wiggles her eyebrows as she smirks. My posture stiffens and I fumble with my words a bit, "Oh no no no, we're just friends." I protest.

Emma giggles again and nods with a sly look on her face, "hmm okay, whatever you say" she says and turns back to face the mirror.

Alan is one of my best friends, and I can't see anything happen between us - romantically that is. Never have I ever even thought of us being anything other than friends.

I shake my head to stop thinking about the topic and focus back on Emma and what she is saying about her and Gerry's date.


Emma and I made it to town shortly after she finished getting ready. The sky was a mix of blue, purple and yellow as the sun was starting to set. We walked around town, talking about school and cheerleading. I didn't even realise where we were heading until I heard shouting in the distance.

The familiar green grass and the chain fence came into view as we passed the street. I look over at Emma and she has a small not-so-innocent smile on her face. I roll my eyes and follow her lead as she walks onto the field. 

The boys were in their gear, doing some drills. Emma calls out for Gerry making him glance over, then turns back to talk to the team about something we couldn't hear. Gerry runs over towards us and leans into Emma to give her a small kiss before they start talking.

I find myself standing there, feeling a bit awkward as I third-wheel them as they get affectionate with each other. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around, it's Alan.

"Hey," Alan greets me as he takes off his helmet. He runs his hand through his sweaty hair, that had been stuck to his forehead. I return the greeting.

Alan goes in for a hug to which I playfully pull away, wrinkling my nose. "woah, sweaty much?" I tease with a small laugh.

He laughs also but he retaliates by grabbing my hands and bringing me into an embrace despite my attempts to push him away. I can't help but let out a laugh as he ruffles my hair. I look back up at him, while fixing my hair, to see him laughing even harder.

I shake my head, "you're an idiot." I playfully scold him, crossing my arms. Alan puts his hands up in defence - taking a few steps closer to me, "I'm sorry" he says, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Before I can respond, Emma's voice cuts me off, and I turn my attention toward her. "Y/N! I need to go home, I promised Mum that I'd be home for dinner." She explains and then wraps her arm around Gerry's, "Gerry offered to take me home... You're more than welcome to join us" She adds. I decided that I didn't want to intrude on their private time.

"I'll be fine to walk home by myself," I assure them, and Alan and I say goodbye to the couple. We make our way over to where the rest of the team is and we help pack up the equipment. 

As the last item is put away, the sky has transitioned into night. I decide to take a moment to relax and enjoy the presence of the night. I lay down on the ground. Closing my eyes, I let the cool breeze brush against my skin, and the gentle rustle of the tree in the distance.

I inhale a deep breath, taking in the cool air. When I open my eyes again, I see that Alan has taken a seat next to me. We share a comfortable silence, most of the team has left now, leaving just us alone. 

Alan's voice breaks the silence, "I'm not letting you go home by yourself." His gaze turns to meet mine.

A warm smile spreads across my face. "I'd like that," I reply, getting up from the ground, him following my lead. We make our way down the dark streets of town, the only source of light being the dim streetlights.

We have small conversations, talking about life and football. As we turn onto my street, I find myself not wanting to leave the moment. Glancing over at Alan, I find myself studying his face, capturing the details as if to freeze this moment in time. 

What am I thinking? He's one of my best friends

Eventually, we arrived at the front of my house. I turn to Alan, "Thanks for walking me home" I say, a genuine smile on my lips.

Alan returns the smile, "It was no problem."

Standing outside my house, the silence between us stretched for a few seconds, each moment feeling like an eternity as we exchanged unspoken words. I break the eye contact, "I'll see you tomorrow?" I say and he nods, putting his hands in his jean pockets. 

"Yeah, uh.. I'll see you then" He confirms and I nod. With that, I bid him goodnight and walk into the house. 

I walk into the main room and I see Sheryl and Uncle Bill eating dinner at the table. I join them, engaging in our daily catchups over dinner.


After dinner, Sheryl and I are in her room until we hear a knock at the door. Sheryl gets up to go answer the door while I stand in the hallway.

Sheryl opens the door and Coach Boone is on the other side of the door. "What do you want?" She says with a bit of attitude.

Coach Boone looks down at Sheryl, "Is Coach Yoast here?" he asks.

"We're busy, looking for head coaching jobs. Gotten 11 offers and certainly no time for you." Sheryl says. 

Did Uncle Bill lose his job and I'm only finding this out, now?

Sheryl goes to slam the door but Uncle Bill catches it just in time. Sheryl leaves from her place at the front door and passes me, to go into the main room.

I take one more look at Coach Boone before following Sheryl. I put on a TV show that both of us like and we watch it while the two coaches are talking in Uncle Bill's office.

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