~Chapter Four~

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The morning sun casts a warm glow in my room as I start to pack for the camp. Slipping into my favourite navy blue polka-dot dress, I took a moment to style my hair, making sure it looked presentable.

Bill had convinced Coach Boone to let Sheryl and I come to the camp. Uncle Bill agreed to be the assistant coach for the team which made me really happy.

I organised my bag, making sure I had everything I needed. As I finished packing, I headed out to the car and put my bag into the boot. I noticed that Sheryl was struggling to put everything in her bag so I helped her.


The car comes to a halt and I get out of the car, grabbing my bags. 

The coaches, Sheryl and I wait for Coach Boone to show up at the front of the busses until a pair of hands takes me away from the group.

"What's with you and pulling me away from crowds" I laugh as I turn to Alan.

He releases his grip and looks down with a grin, "No reason," he replies

I shake my head and look up at him, "You're such an idiot" I playfully remark, lightly punching his arm.

Alan playfully winces and grabs his arm in 'pain,' a grin still playing on his lips. "Well, if being an idiot means spending time with you, then I'll gladly be one" he retorts.

We continue talking, sharing our thoughts about the camp and the new people on the team. In the midst of the conversation, Alan's tone softens. "You know, Y/N, you look really pretty today" he compliments with a genuine smile

This catches me off guard and a deep blush creeps onto my cheeks. Playfully, I straightened out his blazer. "Well, you clean up nice, Bosley," I tease, ruffling his hair.

I noticed that we should probably get on the bus and I think he did too because he invited me to sit next to him. I accepted his invite and we walk over to the busses.

As we board the bus, we take our seats and get comfortable. I look outside the window and I see Gerry and Ray talking with Coach Boone.

This can't end well

I couldn't hear much of the conversation but from what it seems, they were being embarrassed by Coach Boone. I shake my head and sigh, looking back to the front of the bus.

"Hey, about the night you came to dinner... I-" Alan starts, catching my attention. I turn to him, listening to what he was about to say, but Coach Boone interrupts, telling everyone to get off the bus.

"Tell me later" I smile at him and pat his shoulder in reassurance. He mumbles something under his breath a hint of frustration on his face, before standing up to leave.

Everyone gets off the bus and crowds around Coach. I stand next to Sheryl and Uncle Bill.

"Alright, listen up. I don't care if you're black, green, blue, white, or orange, I want all of my defensive players on this side, all plays going out for offence over here" Coach Boone declares. He directs the defensive players to one side and offensive player to the other, pairing them up accordingly.

After the pairs up everyone, he tells them to get comfortable because their bus partners are who they'll be sleeping with the whole duration of the camp.


I take my seat on the bus next to Sheryl since we are the only girls going to the camp. The bus, for the most part, was quiet with the occasional murmur of short, snappy conversations.

However, Sheryl started to talk about football and her thought on the players. I listened to her even though I didn't understand what she was saying, I just liked how positive she was.


Everyone got off the bus and followed the Coach into the courtyard. Taking my time, I couldn't help but admire the college and the courtyard–it was truly beautiful.

Upon entering through the doors,, Coach Boone told everyone to go unpack and thats I did. Sheryl and I make our way to our room, and without hesitation, she claimed the top bunk.

I chuckled at her antics and began setting up my space on the bottom bunk.

Barely five minutes into our arrival, a voice echoed down the hallway, shouting, "Fight!" I rolled my eyes, exchanging a knowing glance with Sheryl. We decided to not get involved because they're gonna get into trouble.

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