Chapter 15 : Shattered souls ♡

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Edwards POV;

Its over!! I lost the girl!!!

I go to my room and shut the door loudly.

I hurt her. I HURT HERR!!!!!

Why did this happened!! Why couldn't I stop my father?? Why couldn't I just said no??

I am so stupid!!!! She was wearing that dress for me and I know she loves me and that's why she was hurt.

I can't marry her. I am in love with MANJARI! Only her.
She can't be replaced and if I'm gonna marry someone it would be only her.

I can't lose her.

I clutch my hair tightly as i start getting a headache. I take the chair and throw it on the mirror. The mirror shatters in so many pieces.

I watch myself in those shattered mirrors.

As I was in verge of crying I feel someone behind me and I know who it is. It's my Mom. She puts a hand on my shoulder. I turn slowly and look at her with a devastated and blank expression.

Her eyes go wide by seeing my state. Her eyes fill with tears, she mutters "Oh Ed, my son!!"

When I hear her comforting me I let my tears fall on my face and I hug her tightly.

I sob hard saying "I lost her mom!, I love her mother! I can't lose her!!"

My mom pulls me back and stares at me. She takes something out of her hand and its a picture. Of her. Of Manjari. It was the picture from today's party.

She shows it to me and says "This is the girl u love right??

I look at her and sniffle. I nod my head slowly.

She cups my face in her hands. Shewipes my tears and say "I'm so sorry Eddie, I really didn't know about this, I'm so sorry that I couldn't stop your father. But I'll never let ur life be complicated as mine. And I promise you that i will meet this girl  and j will fill things dont worry ok??  I'm with you in this, understood?". When i dont answer her she says "Oh look at me my son!!"

I look at her through tears. I feel very emotional. I know my mom would never leave my side. And today she promised me that she would meet her and fix things.

I feel dizzy and i feel the heaviness on my eyelids. I am tired , I hug my mom tightly and close my eyes with tears in my eyes.

Stefan's POV;

'I shouldn't have come, I know the risk, but I had no choice, I have to know her'

I met Manjari! Last night I couldn't believe it was her!!

I thought she would be happy!! She was crying, on her birthday. I shouldn't think about her but I can't stop my heart.

I don't want to feel whatever I felt before. No. I should stay away but she needs me.

Uggghhhh!!!! I don't understand what to do.

When I saw her she was the same girl. Everything was same but except one thing...

And that is...

Manjari's POV

I went back to home after whatever happened last night. I was a mess.

Gauri helped me to get out the dress!! This was the worst day of my life!! Best bday that I could remember!!!

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