Cold And Sweet Part Two

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More days passed by, Stella never bothered me in those days and hopefully never again. As expected, me and Victoria got an A on our project...maybe because the teacher knew ahead of time what it was.

One afternoon, me and Victoria walked out of school awaiting Sam and Danny, but it was just Danny. He looked like he was staring into space. Victoria got him out of it.

"Earth to Danny."

He was out and happy.

"Sam sent me."

"All by yourself?"

He nodded.

"Wow, what a big day, we should celebrate!"

She was about to start walking but Danny stopped her.

"What's that?"

"Celebrate? It means we should do something special. Come  on."

"But Sam said bring home."

"Come on," she smiled.

We ended up at a ice cream shop, they got vanilla and I got chocolate, after the Kombucha incident, vanilla was ruined for me. We sat down at a table.

"This is vanilla, vanilla is white."

"Vanilla is white," Danny repeated.

"And the flavor Emma has is chocolate."

"Chocolate," Danny repeated.

"Now try yours."

He took a big bite, not knowing it was gonna be cold, the poor guy was suffering already before he realized. We were laughing.

"Just work it around, that's it."

He swallowed it.

"Oh my God, ooooohhh. You know the thing about ice cream is that first it's cold but then it's sweet."

"It's better if you lick it instead of bite it," I said.

Danny started licking it and he was loving it.

"Slow down. Look, you're getting it everywhere."

We hurried up with our ice cream on the way to the flat.

"We gotta finish these quick, Sam doesn't want us spoiling our appetite," Victoria said.

"What's a appetite?"

"It's the feeling of hunger. How are my teeth?"

She showed her braces to Danny.


"No it's not, it's full of hardware...but not for much longer."

She got out her spare key when Danny asked her a question out of nowhere.

"Do you miss your mom?"

"Every day, you miss your mom?"

"I don't remember my mom."

We walked in. Sam was cooking.

"Hi," Victoria said.

"Hi," Danny said.

"You're late," Sam said sternly.

"It was so nice out, we decided to walk the long way."

"Oh really."

Sam leaned to Danny.

"Didn't I say bring her straight home?"

"It was me, not him."

"You...if you wanted to take the long way home Victoria, you could've gone to that school in Kansas then you can walk all the way home for fifty miles and I wouldn't care!"

"Fifty miles of corn."

"Corn is safe!"

"Corn is boring. Anyway this was the better school."

"Which is why we're here not with the corn."

They kissed on each other's cheek. Sam started sniffing.

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"Smells like ice cream...vanilla ice cream."

Danny looked up from chopping vegetables.

"Vanilla is white! First it's cold, then it's sweet, sweet is good!"

He quickly got back to chopping when Sam pointed a stern finger at a laughing Victoria.

That night, I heard the piano playing. I got up and slowly walked to the living room to see Danny and Victoria playing the piano together.

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