Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

Bill keeps his hands over my eyes as I walk forward, my arms outstretched in front of me so I don't run into anything.

"How much further, Bill?"

"Don't worry, Pinetree. It isn't too much further. Just remember, it isn't some fancy castle like you're used to."

"As long as it's not another dragon guarded tower, it will be perfect."

He uncovers my eyes and I see his cabin sitting in the middle of the forest. "Home sweet home."

"It's perfect, Bill."

"That isn't even the best part. You see that sign?" He points to a sign nailed to a tree that reads Beware of Demon. "I have signs like that posted all over the forest to keep people out." He snaps his fingers and the sign changes to Beware of Demons. "Now any wanderers know to leave us both alone out here."

I smile as I look up at him. "I love it."

"I knew you would." He pecks me on the lips before picking me up bridal style. "Espcially since it's just going to be me and you." He uses his foot to nudge the front door open and carries me inside, Will sitting in an arm chair in the living room. "Will?" He sets me down on my feet.

"H-Hey guys!" He gets to his feet excitedly, fidgeting with his hands.

"Will, not that it's not great to see you, but what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I'm sorry, I just......I was kinda hoping to stay here with you guys sometimes and didn't want to bother you when you two were on your honeymoon."

"Will, we would love having you around. Just, maybe send a letter or something as a bit of a warning?"

"Oh yeah no problem. I will go now and send some kind of warning next time. Congrats you two." He gives me a quick hug before he leaves, shutting the foor behind him. Bill wraps his arms around me from behind, softly kissing up my neck. "Um, guys? You should probably come out here." We hear Will say from outside.

Bill and I look at each other confused before we step outside. There were several men lined up on either sides of the property playing trumpets as one man walked up to us with a scroll. He stands in front of us as he opens the scroll and reads it.

"Dearest Prince Dipper, you are hereby invited to the kingdom of Gravity Falls for a ball in celebration of your marriage." I feel Bill squeeze my hand tightly and notice him looking uneasy. But this is a good thing. My family actually wants me to come back home. "At which time the Kind Stanford Pines will bestow a royal blessing upon both you and your Prince Charming. Love, the Princess and two Kings of Gravity Falls."

"They actually want me back." I turn to Bill. "This is great, right? I mean you are actually going to be able to meet my family. This is amazing."

"Pinetree, I don't think that this is a good idea. Maybe we shouldn't go."

"why not?"

"Well, don't you think they'll be a bit shocked to see you like this?"

"I mean....sure I am  different than before....but I can make them understand. They love me and they will love you too."

"Yeah I doubt I'll be allowed at the country club."

"They aren't like that."

" Then how do you explain Sergeant Pompous and the Fancy Pants Club Band?"

"Bill just give them a chance."

"To do what? Sharpen their pitchforks?"

"No, to get to know you. They just want to give you their blessing."

"Why would I want that?"

"To be a part of this family."


"Look, Bill, I know that you are used to people hating you." I put a hand on his cheek making him look at me. "But Stan and Ford are going to love you. Mable is absolutely going to love you. Just please give this a chance, for me?"

He sighs putting his hand over mine. ".....Okay...." He looks over at Will. "Can you see if any of the fairytale creatures are able to watch the house for us?"

"Sure thing. You two just go pack up."

Taking Bill's hand I lead him back inside. He takes me to the bedroom where he takes out two suitcases opening them up before opening the closet.

"Wait Bill. Let me try." He backs away from the closet. I hold my hand out, concentrating. My hand glows a light blue color and slowly the clothes are lifted from the closet and put in the suitcase, nice and folded. I smile at this accomplishment. Bill comes over wrapping his arms around my waist and gently kissing me on the forehead.

"Amazing job, Pinetree."

"Using magic is a little difficult."

"But you're getting the hang of it and quicker than I ever did. Using magic you just have to rely on your feelings and insticts. I have something for you." He reaches into his suit jacket and takes out a pine tree shaped eyepatch and hands it to me. "To hide the eye when we meet your family."

"I appreciate it Bill, but I'm not going to hide it. And I don't think you should hide yours either."


"You trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, Pinetree. You mean everything to me."

"Then trust me when I say we won't need to cover our demon eyes. That we can be who we really are and nothing will change. My family is going to see how wonderful you are and love you just as much as I love you."

"Okay." He pecks me on the lips before going over to the bed and picking up the suitcase before turning to me. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I think so at least."

He takes my hand and leads me outside. He puts the suitcase in the carriage before opening the door for me and holding his hand out for me, Will already sitting in the driver seat. I take Bill's hand as I climb in the carriage. Bill climbs in after me shutting the carriage door. I hold Bill's hand leaning on his shoulder as I feel the carriage start to move.

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