Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

I shove open the door to my old bedroom before slamming the door shut behind me. The whole room looks the same way it did when I was little but I don't have it in me to be nostalgic right now. I am just too fucking angry at everyone right now. I go to the balcony slamming the door open before grabbing the railing, feeling tears of anger stinging my eyes.

Why are they both being like this? I know tht Bill and Ford are both better than this. So why the hell do they have to be so fucking stubborn and spiteful with each other now? It feels like I'm being forced to choose sides here but I can't do that. I mean, Bill and my family mean absolutely everything to me.

I put my head in my hands feeling tears from frustration slipping down my face.  I feel something brush against my cheek. Wiping away my tears I look up as bubbles start falling around me. I look up hearing what sounds like singing. There's a woman with wings on her back and a magic wand, inside a giant bubble and I think she's singing.

"Your fallen tears have called to me
So here comes my sweet remedy
I know what every prince needs
For him to live happily....."

As she comes right in front of me her bubble pops. She gasp seeing me despite her trying to hide it. I see her trying to not look dirrectly at my demon eye. Maybe Bill was right when he gave me the eyepatch.

"O-Oh''ve grown up quite a bit...." She manages to say with one of those laughs you do in an awkward situation when you don't know what else to say.

"Um.....who are you?"

"I'm your Fairy Godmother of course."

"I have a fairy godmother?"

"Why of course you do. And with just one flick of my wand everything will be better." She flies past me into my room. I go back into the room as she waves her wand making different things appear. First its piles of golden coins all over the floor then it's new clothes piled all over my bed. "There is nothing that a new wardrobe or some newfound wealth can't fix."

"Wait wait, just please stop." The new clothes and all the coins vanish as she looks at me in surprise. "Look, I really really appreciate what you're trying to do, but I don't need any of this."

"Why not? Your upset aren't you?"

"I mean I am, but my problems aren't just something that can be fixed with material things. It's more complicated than that."

"Pinetree." Bill opens the door, Will following him in. They both stop seeing the Fairy Godmother. Bill tears his eyes away from her and looks at me. "Pinetree, is everything okay?"

"Yah, yeah everything is fine. Fairy Godmother, this is Bill. My husband."

"Y-Your what?! When on earth did this happen?" Why is everyone so surprised by me choosing to be with Bill? I don't get it.

"He's the one who rescued me."

"But that can't be right!"

"Great, more fucking relatives." Bill remarks, he doesn't even bother trying to hide his dislike anymore.

"Bill, please just stop. She is just trying to help."

"Well then she can help us pack. Grab your things, we're leaving."

"What?" I turn to Will.

"I-I've been trying to talk him out of it, but you know how he is."

"When the hell did you decide this, Bill?"

"Shortly after arriving."

It takes everything in me to not throttle him right now. I turn to Fairy Godmother as I start apologizing for him. "I'm really sorry....."

"No no it's alright. I need to be going anyway. But remember, dear, if you should ever need me happiness is just a tear drop away." She holds out a buisness card that has a teardrop picture on it. I go to grab it but Bill snatches it from her first, shoving it in his suit pocket.

"He won't need that. We got all the fucking happiness we need. Happy happy happy!"

"I see." She flies over to the balcony where a flying pink carriage is waiting for her. She gets in the carriage and it flies off. I turn to Bill, fuming in anger at him.

"Seriously Bill?"

"What? I told you coming here was a bad idea."

"You know you could have at least tried to get along with my family."

"Somehow I don't ever think I was going to get that old geezer's blessing even if I did want it!"

"Don't you think it might be nice if for once somebody asked me what I wanted?"

"Sure, do you want me to help you pack your bags?"

"You're so fucking unbelievable! You are behaving like"

"Go right ahead and say it."

"Like a monsterous demon!"

"Well here's a news flash for you! Whether your family likes it or not I am a monsterous demon!" His demon eye glows yellow as bright blue flames shoot up behind him, scorching the ceiling of the room. "And guess what, Pinetree? That is not about to change."

I can't even stand to be in the same room as him right now. I go towards the door but stop and look back at him. "I made changes for you, Bill. Think about that."

I walk out of the room slamming the door behind me. I walk down the halls, feeling rage and anger turning in me. Not able to stand it anymore I let out an angry yell. Blue flames scorch the ground around me and all the pictures and portraits on the walls are flung onto the ground, broken glass laying everywhere.

"Woah....." Turning around I see Mabel holding a tub of ice cream in her hands. "I just.....I thought with how dinner ended you would maybe want to have a sleepover, like we used to do whenever one of us got upset....."

I feel the tears spilling down my face, unable to hold it in anymore. I throw my arms around her, hugging her tightly. She hugs me back as I bury my face in her shoulder.

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