Chapter 2

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(Dipper pov)

I glance over at Bill, asleep with his head leaning on the window of the carriage. It's been a long ride, and I know he isn't used to really leaving his property. Or I should start getting used to saying our property now. I really hope he and my family get along. It is really important to me that all of the people who are important in my life get along. They don't have to all be best friends, but I'd like for them to get alone.

Looking out the window I recognize Gravity Falls. I excitedly shake Bill's shoulder waking him up. "Wake up wake up we're here." He rubs his eyes as he wakes up and looks out the window. People line the streets throwing streamers at the carriage and waving at us.

" know they'll stop doing that once they realize what we are right?"

"Give them a chance." Will pulls the carriage up outside the castle. I see Stan Ford and Mable standing outside waiting. Bill reaches for the door but I put a hand on his arm stopping him. "First, give me your eyepatch."

"What? Why?"

"You are going to put it on to hide again. I want them to get the chance to know the real you. So give it here. I'll give it back to you tonight, promise."

He sighs before handing it over. He opens the carriage door and holds his hand out to me. I take it as I step out of the carriage. I see pretty much everyone around us audibly gasp once they see that we each have the demon eye. I feel Bill hold onto my hand tightly. I can tell he's uneasy from looking at him. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze before turning to Will. "Go park the carriage then come find us."

He steers the carriage away. "Pinetree, it's not too late for us to leave."

"Come on Bill." Holding his hand we walk towards my family.

"I don't like this I don't like this."

"Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

We finally stop as we're standing in front of my family. Ford and Stan keep giving each other this look. I don't know if I'm supposed to say something.

Mabel suddenly hugs me nearly knocking us both over. I laugh softly as I hug her back. "I missed you too, Mabes."

She lets go before looking at me. "Wow that demon eye is freaking cool. I barely got to see it ever when we were younger. How does it feel to be able to show it off now?"

"Honestly? It feels great. Being myself feels amazing." I gesture to Bill. "This is my husband Bill."

"Hi!" Mable says before she hugs him. I can tell it takes him by surprise. She eventually lets go of him. "Sorry, probably should have warned you I am a hugger. Anyway we should get inside. I'm sure you too are hungry after that long journey."

She takes Ford and Stan by the hand leading them both inside. Holding Bill's hand we follow them inside. We all sit at the dining room. Bill sits at one end, Ford at the other. I sit next to Bill and Mabel sits across from me. Stan sits next to Ford. Dishes of soup are dished in front of us. I see Bill looking uncertain at all the different spoons. I point to the right one for him to use before I turn to Mabel.

"It's great to see you. It really is."

"Yeah, I just wish I was here longer."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm only here for the ball. Then I am back to boarding school."


Mabel turns her attention to Bill. "So where do you two live?"

"Oh I own my own property. It's isolated and quiet."

"It sounds like a great place to raise a family." I drop the glass I had been about to drink from hearing it shatter on the floor, feeling my face go bright red. Why would she say something like that? I see Bill coughing, probably in the middle of sipping his soup when she said that.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I rub his back. He covers his coughing with his hand and nods. I turn to Mable. "Mable, that's not really possible with us both being guys and all."

"It is possible...." Bill says.

"What do you mean?"

"Male demons technically can carry children, they just don't most of the time. Most demons are straight and end up with a girl, or they die in isolation never having kids."

"Well, either way it's not something we've talked about quite yet. It seems a bit early for that kind of talk."

"And I'm still eating." I hear Ford mutter at his end of the table. I see Bill clench his hand on the table. I hold onto his hand trying to calm him down but I see that it isn't working.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Bill blurts out.

"Ford." I look at Ford as I try to keep the peace. "It's great, okay?"

"Well for his type maybe."

"My type?!" I can see Bill getting angrier. The chefs come in laying dinner out on the table for everyone.

"Bill, please just forget about it and eat something." I beg him but he just ignores me. He and Ford won't stop glaring at each other.

"I mean I expect any children coming from you would be....." Ford starts off. This is not going to end well at all.

"Demons? You bet your fucking ass they would be."

"Not that there is anything wrong with that." Stan says putting a hand on Ford's arm trying to get him to calm down too. "Right, Ford?"

"No, nothing at all, assuming that they don't eat their own young!"

Looking at Bill I see his eye is glowing. That is never a good sing. "No, we usually prefer the ones who have been locked in a tower for their whole lives!"

"I only did that to protect him!"

"Oh I know! Daycare or dragon guarded fucking castle!"

"You wouldn't understand! You aren't his family!"

His hand glows blue and with a yell he sends it up into the air and has it crash into the far wall.

Not able to take this anymore I stand up, my chair falling back but I don't care. I look at Bill. I don't know if I want to strangle him or scream at him or what. I just feel so angry and I'm not even sure if I'm angry with him, Ford, or myself. I just can't stand to be in the room with any of them.

I storm out of the room, waving my hand and slamming the doors behind me.

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