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As I entered the room, I noticed that Mira and Sunghoon were sitting together on the sofa, engaged in deep conversation. They both wore bright smiles on their faces, making it quite obvious that they were more involved than just friends. Meanwhile, Matthew and an unknown, ginger-haired boy were preoccupied with their videogames, completely caught up in their own world.

I found myself feeling a sense of comfort and belonging among these strangers. It was almost as if they had accepted me into their circle without a second thought. The delicious smell of food coming from the kitchen caught my attention, and I found myself gravitating toward it, eager to see what was being prepared. With my hands still firmly in my pockets, I walked towards the kitchen, trying to remain nonchalant yet still intrigued.

I was greeted by a young man with black hair who was wearing a casual polo shirt and a beige apron. His hands were holding a pair of chopsticks that he immediately put down to shake mine.

His smile was so wide and genuine that I immediately felt more at ease. "Hi, I'm Jay," he greeted me warmly. "Mira already told me about you, Hana."

I smiled back at him, feeling grateful for his warm welcome. He looked sweet and caring, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence. He seemed like someone who was easy to get along with and someone who could brighten up your day with his positive attitude.

Jay set plates on the table and turned to me with a smile. "The food is ready, so would you mind letting our leader know it's time for dinner? You know where his room is, right?" He asked in a friendly tone.

I was sure he referred to him. I had been given him a nickname, Sir Ego, and even though it was a bit amusing, I realized it was probably best not to question it.

"Sure thing." I replied with a smile, happy to help. I hurried off to find Sir Ego and let him know that dinner was ready.

I quietly made my way out of the kitchen, climbing the stairs and heading straight to his room. With determination, I knocked on the door, my heart racing at the prospect of seeing him again.

When I didnt immediately receive an answer, I gently pushed the door open and stepped inside the room, my breath hittingched. To my surprise, he was seated on a small sofa, seeming to be in his own world, preoccupied with whatever it was that he was doing.

His unawareness of my presence caused a mix of emotions to well up inside me, a combination of excitement, nervousness, and a sense of longing. I had to see him, had to be near him, had to hear his voice. But at the same time, I didnt want to interrupt his thoughts or disturb him in any way.

"Why didn't you knock on the door before you entered?" He said, still focused on the book in his hands. I stood there with my arms crossed, trying not to let my frustration show.

"I knocked and there was no answer, so I came in." I spoke, hoping he'll understand.

"Really?" He said without even glancing up from the book. "So why didn't you just go away?"

"Why are you always treating me like this?" I asked, my voice raised slightly in frustration. "I didn't do anything to deserve this kind of treatment. It's not like I'm your enemy or something."

"Then why don't you just leave now?" He didn't even bother looking up at me as he spoke this, still absorbed in his book.

I sighed, feeling defeated. It seemed like no matter what I do or say, he will always treat me with this kind of indifference.

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