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"Why do you even bother helping me..?" You whisper, gritting your teeth as tear fall down from your eyes.

Lumines hugs you, "I promise you.. you are as important as my brother is to me.. maybe even more." She murmurs the last part.

"I would do anything just to see the corners of your lips turn up into that happy smile- your laughs, and your conversation."

You laugh," You can't say that.. it's not a good thing to lie.. I don't mind when you tell the truth!" You smile.

"See! I'll always be like this to make everyone happy!"


You pull her sword from her hand as she panics, "dear- wait give me the sword!!"

She tries to snatch the sword from you, "stop stop stop!! Give me the goddamn sword!!"

She almost screams, her voice becoming hoarse as her breath got faster.

"I.. I love you." She smiles. "Your.. if your going to do that.. do it to me too. I can't bear it without you."

You shake. You can't do it..

"Do you want me to do it for you? We can be together in the afterlife forever and ever~"

He takes the word from you with a smile on her face.

She stabs the sword into herself, a eerie smile on her face and she quickly forces it out, stabbing it into you.

You gasp, breath becoming short.

She pulls the sword out of your stomach and throws it  onto the floor, hugging you.

Blood dripped from her mouth as she hugged you.

"Let's be together forever and ever until we both fully perish!!"

CRAZY FOR YOU (✔️) (YAN SCARAMOUCHE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now