Kwazzii's Sick?

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I blushed as I woke up and immediately felt sick running for the restroom. I frowned as I threw up hearing Peso jump up to come and check on me. I blushed as he started rubbing my back and said, "Are you OK?" I nodded and said, "Just get me a pregnancy test. Peso froze momentarily before quickly recovering, handing me a pregnancy test. I blushed and sat urinating on the test and froze as I saw the result. I blushed and swallowed before looking at Peso, who was also staring at the results. I blushed as Peso hugged me and said I'm so happy." I blushed and said," me too. " I blushed and shifted as I got up cleaning up before getting dressed and said I think our next step is to tell the Captain. Peso nods and said, "I agree." I blushed and smiled as we walked up to HQ and blushed as I spotted Captain watching Dashi and said uhm Captain we need to talk. I blushed as the Captain turned and said OK what's up? I blushed and shifted as I placed a flipper on my belly and said I'm expecting. I blushed as Captain smiled and said, "Congratulations." I blushed and smiled as Dashi turned and said yeah congratulations you guys. I blushed and smiled as my mate wrapped her flipper around mine, placing prenatal vitamins in my flipper. I blushed and swallowed the vitamins and kissed Peso. I blushed as he growled playfully and kissed me, then said sit. I blushed and nodded, sitting down. I froze as I saw Perry tapping on the glass looking shell shocked. I blushed and said uhm Captain isn't that Shellingtons nephew? Captain looked and said yes. I blushed as I noticed Pearl struggling to swim. I blushed and gently shook peso and Said babe looks like pearl was attacked. I smiled as he froze looked up before saying captain sound the octalert before rushing out. I blushed as Captain sounded the octoalert and said octonauts to the launch bay! I frowned as we all arrived in the launch bay and heard captain say octonauts we've got an emergency shellington Kwazii and peso to the gup E. I blushed as we got in and shifted as I placed a flipper on shellington shoulder and said brace yourself pearl and perry are in trouble. I frowned as he dove into the water and swam head pulling pearl to safety while protecting Periwinkle. I frowned and quickly rushed to help and froze as I saw Pearl's leg was broken.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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