First Date

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Once everything had settled down after the battle and Orvax's defeat, and Atlanna was settled in back home at the lighthouse with Tom, Aurelia and Orm set about planning their first date. Orm was very curious about the whole dating experience and she was happy to oblige.

He met her at the lighthouse docks.

"Hey you," she said, jumping into his arms and planting a kiss firmly on his lips.

"Hello Aurelia." Then he presented her with some underwater blooms.  "For my beloved."

"You're too kind, and too cute. Thank you. You ready to go?"

She took him first to a beach where, if you stood up on a hillside overlooking the expanse of sand, you could see that most of it was covered in trash.

"Why did you bring me here?" he asked, staring at the scene in horror. "I thought dates were supposed to be enjoyable. This is just depressing."

"Follow me." She led him further down the path, around where the beach curved. Around the bend, the beach continued, though this one was covered with people and trash. The group was collecting the garbage, putting it in bags to take to the dump where it belonged. 

"See, some people care about our oceans. Not everyone, but some." 

Now he stared with wonder. "Can we help them?"

"You want to pick up trash, Your Highness?"

"Yes, I would do anything to help save our oceans."

She chuckled.  "Yeah, let's get down and dirty."

They found some rubber gloves and trash bags of their own and helped the volunteers for about an hour. They made a small dent in the damage, but it was a dent nonetheless. And these people weren't stopping here. 

"I am proud of you all, truly I am," Orm announced to the very confused volunteers. "Atlantis thanks you."

Then it was time for the date to really begin. It took them a little while to get there but soon they were rolling up to Sicily.

"Remember this place?" 

"I said it would be a nice place to have a date."

"Yeah, so let's do it!"

Italy really was one of the most romantic places in the world, there was no denying it. 

They were seated on a patio in the dying daylight with a fantastic view of the ocean. It was perfect.

"Oh appetizers, excellent," Orm said, diving right into the roses that posed as the table's centerpiece. 

Their waitress arrived right as he was biting the head off of one of the flowers. "Benvenuto - oh-"

Aurelia was trying not to laugh at how endearing the whole thing was. 

"C-can I get you something to eat? Something else..." the waitress asked.

"Yes please. Would you like to order first?"

"You go for it, Babe," Aurelia told him. 

"Alright, I would like a big, greasy, juicy, meaty cheeseburger," he said, not breaking eye-contact with Aurelia once, ordering exactly how she had described the food on several occasions. "And a pint of Guinness. And more of these please," he added, gesturing to the now headless roses.

The waitress, wide-eyed and unsure of what to make of the man in the tight wetsuit's strange requests, turned to Aurelia, who was desperately trying to hold back loving laughter, probably hoping for some kind of explanation.  Aurelia didn't have the heart to tell him that cheeseburgers weren't on the menu here. "I'll have what he's having!"

(Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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