Chapter 1: The Haunting Awakening

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I dragged myself into bed, weary from the day's work that had stretched well into the night. As I succumbed to the embrace of sleep, my eyes reluctantly opened, and the weight of exhaustion momentarily lifted, leaving me in a state of confusion. I fumbled for my phone, seeking the assurance of time to confirm the fleeting night hours. 4:12 AM blinked back at me from the screen, a meager offering of solace. I sighed, grateful for the precious few hours of rest ahead.

Just as I settled, a bizarre sensation swept over me, a peculiar disturbance in the tranquil darkness of my room. The soft glow of the lamppost outside suddenly flickered, casting eerie shadows that danced across the walls. An inexplicable sense of foreboding stirred within me.

Then, it materialized-an otherworldly silhouette that emerged from the dimness, eclipsing the feeble illumination. I lay frozen, struck by a terror that anchored me to the bed. A figure, tall and draped in darkness, its features shrouded by a stark contrast of a black dress and a ghostly white scarf. But it was the wings that seized my attention, a breathtaking expanse of ivory feathers, one conspicuously smaller than the other.

My voice trembled as I managed to whisper, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Malik," it intoned a voice that resonated through the marrow of my bones, "It's time. Come with me."

Panic surged within me, an inexplicable fear that coursed through my veins. "Where? What do you mean?"

"Close your eyes, Malik. It's time," the figure insisted, its voice a haunting melody that echoed in the silence of the room.

Immobile, I was rendered powerless, my body a captive to the inexplicable force that held me. My mind raced, grappling with the impossible reality unfolding before my eyes. I resisted, desperately pleading, "I don't want to go."

The figure advanced, a spectral presence drawing nearer. Memories, regrets, and a lifetime of actions flickered before me in an instant, a cascade of moments I wished I could change.

As the wings enveloped me, a suffocating sensation gripped my senses. The world blurred, the feathers brushing against my skin as though whispering secrets of an unknown realm. A speck of light pierced through the obscurity, a beacon amidst the encroaching darkness. I closed my eyes, embracing the uncertainty, bracing for an unfathomable end.

And then, as swiftly as it had begun, the surreal encounter dissolved. I awoke to the mundane, the digital glow of my phone screen mocking the impossible reality I had just traversed. Still 4:12 AM, the time a mocking reminder of the inexplicable events that unfolded.

My gaze darted to the corner where the apparition had manifested, half-expecting it to reappear and shatter the illusion of normalcy.

Before I could gather my wits, it materialized once more, a sinister presence lurking silently behind the sanctuary of my room's closed door.

" OMG!! There it is ..." I said loudly as if I wanted someone to notice.

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