Album 1, Track 4

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Song of the day: Time Lapse - NCT 127

I'm drawn towards you by my subconscious
In the clearly blurred time
Don't leave me alone, please
I've killed time too many times

I'm drawn towards you by my subconsciousIn the clearly blurred timeDon't leave me alone, pleaseI've killed time too many times

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Yuehua was in tears.

She was still in bed, binging Harry Potter movies. She was at the end of the third movie, where Harry and Hermione freed Sirius. She's a very emotional person.

Three loud knocks on her dorm room's door drew her attention away from her TV.
"Yue! Let us in," Mykayla's voice boomed from the other side of the door. "We brought snacks!"

That pulled Yuehua out of bed, she never turns down snacks. She put her bowl in the sink of the small kitchen area before going to the door.

Pulling the door open revealed Mykayla, with her hands full of bags, and a now-blonde Akari.

"Woah. Cute hair. Do we have purple Skittles?"

Mykayla sighed, walking into the dorm room and placing the snacks on the counter, "Of course, Yue, and mint chocolate ice cream."

"And weed!" the blonde added from the other side of Mykayla.

Yuehua let the girls into the room and guided them to her side, where her bed was covered in plushies and blankets. "Where's Himori?" Mykalya asked, seeing that said girl's side of the room was empty.

"I don't know," Yuehua pondered, "She said she was going to see a friend. Where's Minyeo?"

"With her new girlfriend," Akari mumbled.

Yuehua gasped, equally shocked and confused, "Since when did she have a girlfriend?"

"Since yesterday" Mykayla responded, placing hers and Akari's jackets on Yuehua's dresser.

So the trio sat and watched Harry Potter movies with Yuehua until they (Akari!!) got bored of them and decided to roll up.

"Soooo, your new friendsss?" Mykayla slurred out. They were sitting in a triangular formation on Yuehua's bed with all the snacks, the mint chocolate ice cream in the freezer.

Yuehua hummed as she shoveled a handful of berry skittles in her mouth, "What about them?"

"How do you feel? You know, hanging around your ex-boyfriend and his current boyfriend? Is it awkward?" Mykayla asked as she stood up and started braiding Akari's hair.

"I don't think it's awkward, no," Yuehua started, recalling the first (and only) day they hung out. "They've added me into their group chat and everything. Me and Jaemin never had any awkward tension, so..." she trailed off at the end, "Sorry am I talking too much?"

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