Album 1, Track 6

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Song of the day:  SUNSET - NAYEON

I want to see a person like a sunset
That memory becomes faint
Even those lovely eyes that only looked at me
I can't feel it anymore

I want to see a person like a sunsetThat memory becomes faintEven those lovely eyes that only looked at meI can't feel it anymore

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"Wait I do know her!" Yuehua finally responded, after examining Minyeo's new girlfriend again. "Did you go to SOPA? I swear she went to SOPA,"

"Yes, I was in the Department of Theatre and Film! Did you go to SOPA too?" the pretty girl responded. She was taller than Yuehua by a few inches so she had to look up to see her face.

"Yes, yes okay whatever. Yuehua this is Hwayoung, Hwayoung this is Yuehua. We were all  in the  same class."

Hwayoung looked at Yuehua more closely and she could almost see the gears clicking in her head, "Ohhhhh, I remember you too! Your Korean has gotten so much better!"

"Thank you!" Yuehua yelled over the loud music. Yuehua and Mykayla had convinced everyone to go clubbing with them, even Jisung and Himori, who hardly ever go out. 

Himori was talking to Jaemin about something at the other bar, and Jeno was next to him turned the other way sipping on his drink. Jisung was busying himself on the dance floor with Mark and Donghyuck, having what seemed to be a dance battle.

The three were sitting at the bar together, sipping on non-alcoholic drinks because Minyeo and Mykayla (the responsible ones) were designated drivers. Yuehua didn't like drinking and Hwayoung didn't want to be the only one drinking.

Yuehua was overly excited to meet her best friend's new girlfriend since the girl hadn't dated since junior year of high school. "My brother is here, is it okay if we go talk to him?" Hwayoung asked the two girls, who just shrugged and followed her to a group of boys who were sitting in a booth.

Their laughter was the first thing Yuehua heard as they approached the booth. "Doyoung!" Hawyoung shouted over the loud music and their even louder laughter.

A man with dark hair and round eyes turned around at the sound of his name, "Hawyoung? Who's this?" he asked, regarding the two unknown girls.

Hwayoung smiled as she introduced the two, "This is my girlfriend, Minyeo!" she said, pointing to her, "and this is her best friend Yuehua,"

"Oh! This is your girlfriend?" he laughed and slid over in the booth, making room for the three girls, "I've heard a lot about you"

Minyeo turned pink at that and looked away softly, "Oh..."


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