Red Crystal, Red Girl -3-

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You, Aether, and Paimon were just outside the forest when Aether spoke up with a smile directed at you. "Hey, this is about where we first met, right?" He questioned. You nodded. "Yup. I bet if we looked around hard enough, we could find my camp. But there really isn't anything of value there, so it doesn't matter."

Aether was about to speak back up, but the wind interrupted. It became stronger and louder as an oncoming shadow neared. "Oh no. He's back." You muttered worryingly, looking up to the sky. "Wow! What is that!?" Paimon shouted as she saw the blue figure above the three of you. "There's something huge, in the sky!"

The ethereal beauty glided over you, his six wings reflecting light in an amazing way. His coat was of different shades of blue, light, dark, and even purple. Luckily, he hadn't noticed you three. That being said, he seemed to dive right into the center of the forest as if seeing something of interest.

Paimon gasped at this. "It's headed towards the heart of the forest. We must proceed with caution." She warned. Aether turned to you in wonder. "Y/N, you said 'oh no.' What did it mean?" He asked.

You sighed. "I'm not very well versed in history or recent news, but I know a little bit about that guy. My dad used to me stories about him. He was once of the Four Winds, a protector of Mondstadt. I think he's the dragon of the East. But... he's not the same. People call him Stormterror because of all the chaos he's been causing recently." You crossed your arms with a pout. "Scares away all the birds, too."

A spark of curiosity bubbled up inside you. What happened to him? That was a question you couldn't possibly answer right now. However, you could potentially answer another one of your questions: What had sparked his interest in the woods?

"C'mon, Aether! Let's go take a look!" You exclaimed, quickly grabbing onto one of his gloved hands and dragging him along. The blonde's eyes widened. "Woah!" He startled before matching your pace, letting you bring him along to wherever.

"Wha—! Don't leave Paimon behind!"


While you had slowed down, you and Aether still kept your hands attached, the both of you either not noticing or minding. "Huh? Look at that!" Paimon whispered in surprise. You nodded, gaze trained to your left.

"Good eye, Paimon," you whispered back, "A great spotted woodpecker. Look how handsome he is." You commented with a smile, staring at the pretty bird who was chilling on the side of a tree. You concluded it was male with the red patch on the back of it's neck. He was quite the looker with his black and white feathers working together to create such beautiful patterning.

Paimon's eyebrows furrowed. "Huh? Not the bird! Paimon meant in front of you!" She exclaimed. You blinked, tearing your gaze away from the small spot of white and black to see a bigger spot of blues and... a little bit of green?

"Ah. My bad." You apologized hastily with a little flush of embarrassment before pulling Aether forwards by the hand. You and him stopped at a tree near the scene, Aether in front while you held onto his arm to peek over him.

In front of you was an odd sight. A young man perhaps around your age, if not a little younger, stood in front of the large dragon without an ounce of fear. In fact, the guy was reaching out to the dragon. Aether wasn't even from around here and even he was in disbelief.

"...Don't be afraid." The mysterious male said gently, taking another step towards the dragon who was currently shaking it's head. "...It's alright now, I'm back." He reassured. You looked him over. He was clad out in green shorts, mini cloak, and hat with a Cecilia flower on it. His white socks went past his knees and he wore a brown corset type thing along with an Anemo vision hanging from his side. He had dark hair with two hanging braids dyed blue at the end.

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