Wild Goose Chase -11-

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"Travelers! You're back! Looks like you got the intel." Kaeya sang as he stood with his arms crossed outside of the headquarters' building, eye gleaming at the small picture Aether drew from his pocket.

Paimon pursed her lips before answering him. "Yes and no. It's a lot more complicated than that. 'Three six-armed giants reside in the city in the lake. Two guard the statue, one, the treasure.' What do you make of it?" She asked hastily.

An amused grin crossed the navy haired man's face. "Riddles? How quaint. Let me think..." He muttered before tapping his chin. "'City in the lake' is clearly Mondstadt... As for the Six-Armed Giants... Hm..."

Shrugging, Aether took a shot in the dark. "Crabs?' He suggested. "Giant crabs!" Paimon added on loudly. Kaeya smirked in a humorous manner. "Aside from asking just where we would find giant crabs... Crabs have eight legs, not six..."

Kissing your teeth, you looked around while staring at the picture. Your eyes caught onto the red roofs of the city. Hovering above them were giant cream colored windmills, six arms spinning gently with the flow of the breeze. Your eyes widened as you made a satisfied little sound realization. "Ah. Windmills!" You said happily, looking back to the group with a smile.

Kaeya snapped his fingers and grinned at you. "Hey! That's smart!" He cheered like a parent humoring it's child. "A windmill has six blades... It fits." The self-proclaimed pirate confessed. Paimon gasped, slapping her cheeks with her little hands. "Wow! That makes sense!"

You hummed and stared at two in particular. "Now we just gotta find out which windmill we need to go to. Out of the three big ones, two are close to the statue..."

"The other one is guarding..." Kaeya finished on for you. With widened eyes, Paimon stuck her hand out in the air and waved it around wildly. "Ooh! Ooh! This one Paimon knows! The treasure!" She exclaimed excitedly. Kaeya smirked. "Hehehe... Let's hope it's really that simple."

Paimon suddenly grabbed onto Aether's scarf and your mini-cloak, tugging in the direction of a windmill. "Come on, guys! Let's go take a look around that windmill!" The white haired girl demanded as you and Aether began to slowly stumble away as she was practically choking the both of you.

The Calvary Captain wiggled his fingers at you. "Toodles~!" He cooed.


"Geez, that was more stairs than I thought." Aether breathed out, hands on his knees as you leaned against the windmill's guardrail. You took a deep breath. "Tell me about," you grumbled in agreement.

Paimon, the pixie who had been floating the entire time, rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic! Paimon did it, too, and she doesn't feel tired." The girl boasted with her arms crossed. You and Aether sent her a side glare before standing up straight and looking over the side.

Aether pulled the photo out of his pocket and smiled as you leaned your arms against the railing. "It looks even better in person." He muttered in awe. You nodded in agreement.

As you watched the sun over Mondstadt shine, Aether shifted his gaze away. He leaned his chin against his palm and looked at your serene face. A soft expression, taking in the beauty of the city below. Meanwhile, Aether took in the beauty beside him, the gentle breeze fanning both of you in a comfortable manner. This was... nice.

"You're staring." A calm voice said quietly. Aether blinked, realizing two shining (E/C) eyes were staring into his. "O-Oh! Ah... I didn't realize I was. Sorry." He muttered in embarrassment, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. You positioned your head to rest on your hand before moving so your palm would cover your embarrassed growing smile. "You're pretty, too." You murmured back softly. "A-Ah!"

Ms. Hummingbird (Various Genshin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now