Chapter 29- Rob knows

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"Chas you need to look after Liv" Robert stated, "why where are you going?" Liv asked "this prison" Robert whispered "is Aaron okay?" Chas questioned, "no chas, Gordon he's assaulted him, I don't know how" Robert explained "no- Gordon ruined him when he was a kid" Liv cried  "I'm going to go see how he his, DS Wise rang me" Robert explained "I'll let Aaron know you're thinking of him" He added "okay Rob, bye" Chas and Liv said minutes apart 

Robert sped down the road into Hotton prison, probably breaking every traffic law there is,  "Aaron Dingle" Robert rushed as he walked in "Mr Sugden?" the officer asked "yes" Robert stated, "DS Wise will be with you shortly" the Officer replied, "Robert Sugden" DS Wise asked "Coming" Robert answered "follow me" DS Wise whispered "why are you whispering?" Robert asked matching DS Wise's tone of voice, "There's somethings I need to tell you, but first I need to get Aaron's permission" DS Wise stated  "Oh" Robert whispered worry laced in her voice 

"Aaron?" DS Wise asked "No-No not again" Aaron cried  "Aaron, It's me, It's Jason" DS Wise whispered, "mhm" Aaron mumbled, "I need your permission, to tell Robert what's happened" DS Wise explained "No-No you can't" Aaron cried "Aaron please, Robert will be able to help you" DS Wise tried "fine, fine tell him" Aaron cried, "thank you Aaron" DS Wise whispered, before turning around and walking out the door and into the hallway, and to the room, Robert was sat in 

"DS Wise what's going on" Robert asked the second DS Wise opened the door, "Right Aaron has given me permission to tell you what has happened" DS Wise stated  "Please Jason tell me what's happened to Aaron?" Robert rushed, his mind running a hundred miles an hour, "Aaron's had a traumatic event happen" DS Wise started, "it's happened again hasn't it" Robert cried "yes Robert" DS Wise admitted, "oh god" Robert whispered  "Aaron's going to be a wreck, I need to see him" Robert whispered  "Robert, you need to know that Aaron's struggling, every time someone enters the room he panics and cries out"  DS Wise stated "like his flashbacks" Robert said, "yes, Robert" DS Wise stated 

"Please let me see him, I'll be able to help him" Robert pleaded "I don't know Robert, we don't want Aaron to have any flashbacks or panic attacks" Jason admitted, "Jason" Robert stated his voice low but assertive, "okay, Robert, you can go see him, but remember his state of mind" DS Wise said "will do" Robert whispered as he got up to leave "Before you go" DS Wise whispered "yes?" Robert asked impatient, he really wanted to see Aaron, "Aaron will have to be examined like last time" DS Wise stated, "Oh God, that triggered him so much last time, he panicked for days about that" Robert explained "I know Robert, but Aaron needs to be checked in case there's any lasting damage, apart from his mental health" DS Wise whispered, he knew Aaron couldn't hear them but he didn't know if Gordon would be outside the door, listening to he his son was "okay, I'll speak to him about it" Robert whispered "thank you" DS Wise said, he wasn't thankful, he hated Gordon, Jason and Aaron were not close but Jason was still with Aaron's Mum, and he cared about Aaron, Aaron may not see that but he did care about him 

"Aaron?" Robert whispered "No-No not again, please not again" Aaron cried out "Aaron, it's me, it's Rob, I won't hurt you I promise" Robert whispered his voice kind and calm "R-Rob?" Aaron whispered  "yeah, it's me" Robert answered "I'm sorry I just froze, I just let it happen" Aaron whispered turning his head and looking down in shame "Hey, It's not your fault, It's okay" Robert whispered, it wasn't okay, It's never going to be okay, but Robert didn't know what else to say "I know your worried, but you need to let the police officers help you" Robert stated "I can't they'll hurt me like he did" Aaron cried, and Robert guessed he was Gordon, "I promise you Aaron the officers won't hurt you" Robert whispered trying to comfort Aaron as best he could

"I'm so sorry Rob" Aaron whimpered, "You don't need to be sorry, it's not your fault" Robert assured,"Can you please let the officer help you?" Robert asked "Mhm" Aaron mumbled, and Aaron knew that Aaron wasn't comfortable at all, "Can you please leave Mr Sugden" the officer asked "no-no don't go" Aaron cried "I wont leave you Aaron" Robert whispered "Officer can I speak to you?" Robert asked "yes sir" the officer asked "as you know Aaron has PTSD he dosen't like people touching him espeicaly people a lot older than him, Aaron won't alow you to touch him unless someone is in the room with him" Robert explained  "okay Mr Sugden you can stay" Officer Regan replied "Aaron baby?" Robert whispered, but Aaron wasn't there he was lost in the past 

"No Dad- no not again" Aaron cried "Aaron baby wake up" Robert whispered from the floor, but it was no use, Robert made his way up the ladder and onto the bunk, "Aaron baby wake up, hes not hear" Robert whispered, his voice shocking aaron and making him flinch "no-no not again" Aaron cried, his voice so horse it sounded so painful, "Aaron baby it's me it's Rob, I'm not going to hurt you okay" Robert whispered, moving his hands in front of him faceing Aaron to show that he wasn't a threat "Rob?" Aaron cried once he came back round "he's hear" Aaron added "no, no he's not, alright he's near but he's not hear, his with a guard" Robert explained, "promise?" Aaron whispered so child like, "I promise" Robert whispered back 

Aaron agreed to let the prison officer cheek him over, and luckily he couldn't see anything majorly wrong so he left, it was just Aaron and Robert now "Oh Aaron, I'm so sorry" Robert whispered "It's okay Rob, it's not your fault, I told people so it's my fault" Aaron whispered like he'd told himself that so many times, "Aaron, Baby it's not your fault" Robert stated, his voice calm but assertive "DS Wise will be coming in a minute to talk to you" Robert explained "what about?" Aaron muttered "you know what Aaron" Robert whispered sadness lased in his voice "he wants my statement doesn't he" Aaron cried "yeah, it will all be okay" Robert whispered, it wasn't he knew that and Aaron knew that too, Robert just had to stay strong for Aaron's sake

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