Chapter 32- we'll do this together

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"We will get through this" Robert whispered to Aaron as they walked into the woolpack, "We'll do this together" He added, looking at Aaron, Aaron looked back at him, but looked away as he saw Roberts gaze, "You know it's going to be okay don't you?" Robert asked, "yeah" Aaron murmured, "you promise me?" Robert asked "I promise" Aaron whispered, Aaron looked down at his feet as he moved, trying to block the pain out, each movement caused a sudden sharp pain in his lower body, he closed his eyes tight and mumbled "Aah" while biting his lip, "You okay Aaron?" Robert whispered, rushing over to Aaron, "It's nothing Rob" Aaron assured, clearly lying, "Aaron sit on the stairs, I'll go get Paddy" Robert whispered  "he's a vet Robert not a doctor" Aaron laughed, but winced in pain, "that's it i'm calling the ambulance" Robert whispered, digging his phone out of his pocked, "no Rob, I'll be fine" Aaron lied 

"No Aaron I'm calling them" Robert whispered "hello, how can I help you?" The phone operator answered "hello, it's my husband, he's recently suffered a Rape and is in quite alot of pain" Robert explained, "I'll send an ambulance out, can you tell me your address sir?" She said, "Emmerdale village the woolpack" Robert answered "okay thank you, an ambulance will be with you shortly" She said before hanging up the call "the ambulance is on its way" Robert whispered "right" Aaron mumbled, "Aaron?" Liv whispered as she came through to go to her room "Aaron?" Liv whispered again, Aaron closed his eyes and tiped his head forward, "Aaron please don't shut me out like last time" Liv whispered

"Aaron?" Liv asked, "I'm fine" Aaron whispered "then tell me when you're sat on the stairs in pain" Liv said, "Liv I'm fine" Aaron said, his voice laced with pain, "why is there an ambulance hear?" Chas asked strolling into the corridor, "Ambulnce?" Liv asked,  "I'm fine, I just need time!" Aaron yelled, "oh love" Chas whispered as she realised the real reason there was an ambulance, "Take this" Chas whispered as she took her cardigan off and placed it over Aaron legs, "no" Aaron mumbled flinching, "it's just me love" Chas whispered, 

"Hello I'm hear to help" the paramedic said, "hey can we speak outside please" Robert asked, "of course you can sir" the paramedic answered "my husband in there recently suffered a rape, again, last time this happed his sister told me he completely shut down, but he's in quite a lot of pain and he's bleeding, please don't make any sudden movements towards him and let him know what your doing, he has PTSD from his childhood" Robert explained  "thank you for warning me" The paramedic said, a smile forming on her face, a sympathy smile, if Aaron saw that he wouln't not be happy, Aaron hated sympathy and pitty, it made him feel like a victim, like someone who just need's help, but that isn't the case at all 

"Hello Aaron, My name is Katie" Katie the paramedic whispered her voice kind and soft, "mhm" Aaron mumbled  "I'm here to help" katie said, her voice kind and soft again, "Right thank you" Aaron whispered, his face hidden as he tried to hide the tears running down his face, "My assistant Gordon will help" Katie said with a smile on her face "No-Please No" Aaron rushed out  "it's not him Aaron" Liv whispered, she had done this when Aaron had gone to school and they had some form substitute called Mr Gordon's, Aaron had panicked and ran out the room when he heard his teacher say his name

"Aaron I promise you're safe" Robert reassured, reaching a hand over for Aaron's in hopes to help calm him down "you promise" Aaron whispered, his voice suddenly changed from worry to pain, and Robert hated it, the hatred he had for Gordon had suddenly bubbled up to the surface, but Robert knew he had to keep his temper in cheek for Aaron's sake 

Robert looked at Liv for some kind of help, some idea on what to do, but Liv looked at Robert and surged her shoulders, as if she could read his thoughts, Liv had started to cry now, worrying for her brothers health, both mental and physical health "Oh Liv come hear" Robert whispered opening his arms for a hug, "he will be okay Liv, well do this together" Robert whispered, still holding on to Liv

"I don't want this to be like last time" Liv whispered, "It won't be Liv" Chas whispered "he's got all of us" Paddy added, giving Liv a reassuring smile, "Aaron…I love you" Liv whispered  "I love you to Livia" Aaron whispered, letting a tear run down his face, "right we need to get you to the hospital" Katie said, "one person can come with us" she added, "Rob, you go, Paddy will drive me and Liv, we also need to ring everyone and let them know what's going on" Chas stated, "Well follow you" She added "okay thanks Chas" Robert whispered 

Aaron had been wheeled out to the ambulance, Robert right behind, followed by Chas, Paddy and Liv, Chas had phoned Cain to let him know what's going on "Cain, you need to get to the hospital" Chas rushed out "what why, is everything okay Chas" Cain said, as he grabbed his keys and ran out to his car, "I'm on my way" he added  "it's Aaron, Cain, he's in a really bad way" Chas whispered, Paddy and Liv were already in the car, waiting for chas "Come on Chas!" Liv called, "right I've got to go Cain" Chas whispered "meet you there sis" Cain whispered 

Aaron got to the hospital with Robert just before Chas, Paddy and Liv, followed by Cain, "excuse me, I'm hear for Aaron Dingle" Chas said, "I'm his mum" she added "his doctor will be with you shortly" the receptionist said, "thank you" Chas whispered walking back over to Cain and everyone

"Hello, Aaron Dingle's family?" the doctor spoke, "yes that's us" Chas answered, "Mr Dingle is currently okay, we needed to do a few stitches around his crotch, so he's not awake right now, Mr Dingle needed to be sedated during the procedure due to distress" She said, "yeah, due to his PTSD" Liv answered "I'm pretty positive that Mr Dingle will be okay to go home later today" She said with a smile, "thank you" Chas whispered, Aaron was going to be fine 

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