Chapter 77: Cough It Up

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Here we a view of Undertown. A closer shot of the Sock Vendor's shop is shown, before an explosion unexpectedly occurs, sending the vendor to the ground. Sunder then appears, confronting the vendor.

Sock Vendor: Tube socks?

Sunder: *scoffs* Do I look like I need socks?

Socks fall onto Sunder, surprising him.

Sunder: *pleased* Hey, these are nice- real soft. Vulpin Yak wool?

Sunder articulates himself.

Sunder: *growls* What I need is information… and you are going to spill it. First, you're gonna tell me where it is, then you're gonna tell who has it, then you're going to tell me what it is!

Sock Vendor: Are we still talking about socks?

Sunder screams, causing onlookers to scream and run in fear. A hand holding a phone appears from the top of a nearby vendor stall, snapping a picture.

Jimmy: *to himself* I've blogged about Sunder before. He's an alien bounty hunter, obviously looking for something important. I'm lucky to be in Undertown while it's going down.

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* *to Sunder* Step away from the socks!

Ben bursts onto the scene, flying over Jimmy's head on a plasma ball

Jimmy: It's Ben! Awesome!

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* WHOA!

Ben bounces around before accidentally crashing into the Sock Vendor's stall, getting himself tied up in socks. Sunder approaches Ball Weevil.

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* Uh-oh.

Sunder: *laughs* I'm gonna smash you like a sticky bug, Tennyson.

Jimmy tries to record the fight on his phone, but it is too low on battery and shuts off.

Jimmy: *disappointed* Aw!

Jimmy runs off, as we cut back to Ben and Sunder. Sunder takes several swings at Ben, but the latter is able to dodge them, despite his restraints.

Sunder: Stay still so I can smash you!

Suddenly, Spanner drops onto Sunder from above. He then jumps off of Sunder, hovering in the air with his jet-boots and firing a laser at Sunder. He attempts to block the laser, but is pushed back into a vendor's stall.

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* Hey! It's... that guy!

Spanner: Spanner.

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* Right.

Ball Weevil reverts back to Ben.

Spanner: How's it going?

Ben: I've been better. Thanks for the assist.

Spanner: Anytime. Gotta go.

Spanner flies away.

Ben: Wait, where are you- *groans*

The crowd of onlookers reforms.

Ben: *annoyed* Nothing to see here. Move along.

Sunder: You may be in this hunt, Tennyson... *grunts* But Sunder is getting the prize!

Sunder mounts his hoverboard.

Sunder: *flying away* That's a promise!

Ben: Not quite sure I understood that.

Jimmy runs up to Ben.

Jimmy: *panting* Oh, good. You have everything under control. I should have known you'd be on the case.

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