𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮

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The closet seems too small as I hide behind the longer clothes inside, my legs are tucked into my chest as I silently cry, my roommate and best friend Jack is currently unconscious downstairs, the thought of him not breathing makes me feel sick so I try to think of something else but all I can think about now are the approaching footsteps accompanied by a voice calling my name, its voice echoes around the hallway and over to my room. This thing broke in earlier, I was seeing shadows the moment I woke up but Jack tried to convince me it was from lack of sleep and I believed him until one of the shadows materialized into the thing, it looked human but it's skin was a sickly gray and the eyes where pure black, veins where a bright red and it wore regular human clothes, a suit to be exact, it was bald and tall with a big frame. I pushed myself further into the closet and did my best to stay quiet, I had no way of calling for help but I tried my best, thankfully I carried my phone everywhere so I took it out and tried to call the police but nothing happened, I send a goodbye message to jack instead, typing out what the thing looks like, my typing stops when the voice is now inside my room, I type faster and every detail I can remember. The door handle jiggles and I gasp, slapping my hand over my mouth I'm sure he heard me. The door handle stops jiggling and I freeze up, then I hear Jack calling my name, but his accent sounds thicker and I think there are two sets of footsteps. It was quiet for a moment and I listen, Jack calls again and the closet doors swing open, the creature stands there and I scream, screaming for help and for Jack as well, the creature swings me over his shoulder and I see Jack and what looks like mark running down the hallway towards me, but its too late the creature jumps through my bedroom window and into the night, eventually my injuries are too much to bare so I pass out and accept death.  I wake up in what looks like a makeshift hospital room, I have bandages wrapped around my arms and midsection, a few minutes go by and a nurse comes in, he tells me that despite my injuries the cards are here to take me to my new room, I shake my head no and back myself up in the bed further away from him, the guards step over to the bed and they look like the creature that took me, one of them grabs my wrist and I cry out in pain, the second guard takes my other wrist and they lift me off the bed. They drag me down multiple hallways and toss me into a room with a bunk bed, I hear them lock the door and I pound my fists into the door yelling when someone behind me shushes me, I turn around and find a lady who is about 5'6, she has dirty blond almost ginger hair that reaches her shoulders, very kind eyes, she looks human like me so I huff and sit down onto the bed "if you yell at them they will sew your mouth shut, my last bunkmate wouldn't keep quiet and so they sewed her mouth shut and threw her down into the pit, I haven't seen her since, and that was months ago, so please don't be too loud, I'm Sandy" she reached her hand out for me to shake "its good to see a new face but terrible at the same time" she shakes my hand and I look down in my lap, she presses a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I just crumble into her arms, was I ever going to Jack and my friends ever again? After a few weeks, I told my bunkmate how I ended up here, it has been about four months now and I've lost hope that I will be saved,  I learned Sandy is about 10 years older than me, and she treats me like her own kid, sometimes giving me her dinner so I can be healthy. I was alone in our room when someone barged in and started dragging me out, he said the king wants a word with me, I was terrified but I knew fighting would make this worse, the man who kidnapped me was the king of this weird realm, demons, and monsters lived here, and all the other servants are humans like me who where stolen from their normal lives and made to serve him. Entering the king's office I was shoved into a seat and I stayed quiet, the king turned around and eyed me, he stood up and walked over to me and he backhanded me across the face, I bite my tongue to keep the vile words down and I kept my eyes down as well, "you are so greedy, taking other people's lunches, the kitchen can only make so much and you eat it like you deserve it, and so your punishment is no food for a week, all you get is a piece of bread for breakfast, and that's not all, you get a week down in the pit, and if you live through it then you can have dinners again", horrified I try to beg for mercy, the last person to come back from the pit was completely broken, and died a week later. I tried to beg but he backhanded me again with the other hand, his ring slicing my cheek and the thick red liquid ran dripped my face and onto the floor, the king called for a guard and they dragged me to the pit, struggling didn't help and the stairs hurt to go down, eventually after four sets of stairs im thrown into the cell, only a small window let light in and it only lit up a small part of the cell, the rest of it was covered in shadows and I heard a chuckle, "hello little thing, are you a new plaything" the voice said, it was very deep and raspy but not in a good way it held malice and curiosity, I pushed myself against the bars yelling to be let out, "don't touch me, or even come near me, ill fuck you up" I faked a voice of confidence and bravery but it didn't seem to work as I watched another monster step into the light, it was atleast 7' feet tall and one arm was the size of my entire torso, all it took was one punch from him and i would be dead, he steps towards me and i try to back up but im trapped. [NSFW AHEAD] Taking a closer look at the thing, it looked like melted skin, it was bald with horns that were cut so they weren't sharp and pointy and were just stubs, it had no eyelids or even a nose, just small holes for a nose, his eyes where milky white and he didn't seem to see me, but only hear me, so I covered my mouth, this thing is definitely gonna give me nightmares. [NSFW END] Eventually the thing backed into a corner and stayed there, I sat in the corner opposite of the thing and I sat there for what felt like and probably was hours, keeping an eye on that thing every second, not once did I look away, I could tell that the thing was blind, and every time my stomach would growl or when the creature turned even slightly in my direction I accepted death.

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