𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸

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Finally, one of the guards came over to the cell and opened it, grabbing me harshly he dragged me back upstairs, he walked me to a room and he knocked on the door, it opens and it was the king's room, immediately I panicked, terrible thoughts race through my head, "is this the end of me" "is he gonna assault me?", the guard pushes me inside and closes the door, the king speaks "I need you to do something for me" and immediately I panic as he takes off his jacket, "what would you like me to do" I stutter it out slightly as I watch him undo his tie and take it off, he points to a door in the room so I walk over to it "I want you to draw me a bath, go on and be useful for once, so I open the door and step inside the bathroom, it was all marble, white marble with gold accents, the bathtub was massive. I turn on the bathtub and make it a decent temperature, leaning over the tub the king grabs my arm and slices it, blood pours into the water and stains it red, I hold my arm against my chest and a hiss of pain escapes my lips, the king chuckles and laughs at me "you mortals are so weak, put your arm in the water and let it bleed, I will call for a nurse to help you when it's done bleeding you may go back to your shared room", I nod afraid to defy him and I lean further over the bathtub and lay my arm in the water. It was silent for the next few minutes before he told me to leave him, I met one of the nurses outside the room and we walked to the infirmary, the nurse patched me up and sent me on my way, when I was pushed into the kings room I noticed a phone and i have a plan, so taking a pitstop back at the kings room, i make sure no one is in the hall before I silently slip into the room, the bathroom door is closed and I begin searching for the phone,eventually I found it in the bedside table, however stupidly I trip and fall, I'm sure he heard me so I get up quickly and leave the room, sprinting back to mine and sandys room, I enter the room and sandy is awake sitting on her bed reading, she gets up so quick and hugs me, almost crying when she sees im okay, I show her the phone and she shoots me a "are you kidding me" look, I reassure her the king didn't see me, following me over to my bed we open the messeges, I rake my brain for jacks number, finally remembering i type it in, do I call or text him? I make the decision to call him, the phone rings and we both wait, I get sent to voicemail so I leave one, I state that it's me and I stole a phone, a few minutes of waiting go by and Jack calls me back "hello?!, maeysie? where are you?" I cry hearing his voice, its been months and he sounds the same, "jack its me, please im in some weird demension i think, theirs other humans here, and theirs a king and hes really mean" I cry as I tell him whats happening, he doesn't speak for a second and then he does "I know where you are sort of, it's a long story, but I can send two people to come get you, but you have to trust me and them okay?" confused I ask why but he doesn't tell me, he says its easier to explain in person, "when jack, im scared please come quick, I cant do this anymore, I havent eaten in two days please" I beg him and he sounded angry now "two days?!, okay if you can put the phone back where you found it so it doesn't raise suspicion, I will send those two people to come get you as soon as possible, are you in the kings castle?" he asks me and I tell him what floor and room im in, we say goodbye and I turn to sandy smiling, "its almost time we are freed sandy" she's smiling back at me but sadly, she cant come with "what if the kings finds us again maze? he will torture and kill us" I think about what she said for a moment, shes right, "we have to kill him then" I stand heading back towards the door opening it, and head back to the king's room and listen, not hearing anything I peek through the keyhole and the rooms empty, quietly opening the door I step inside, the bathroom door is still closed and he's humming so carefully I put the phone back into the bedside table, I sneak back out and go back to the room. Then we waited, eventually we fell asleep in our beds and I dreamed of a man, Mark maybe?, he looked like Mark but he had this blue and red aura, his eyes were a darker shade of red, he spoke to me "we are coming to get you ready", then I heard a door open and "mark" looked behind me and then back at me "wake up". Sitting up gasping for air I don't get a chance to catch my breath when im yanked from my bed and dragged away out of the room, I watch Sandy cry for me unable to do anything, Im dragged back down into the pit, a bell is tied around my neck and wrists, and im thrown back into the cell with the blind creature, the bells jingle and the door slams shut, the creature lurches forward at me and I didge him, trying to keep the bells silent, "where are you little mortal" it spoke feeling around the walls, I hold my breathe and stay quiet but it wasn't enough, I was shaking too hard, the bells on my wrists jingled lightly and it turned in my direction apporaching me, its mouth stretched open and rows of sharp teeth where inches from my skin, I could it's hot breathe touch me and a small himper left my throat, "found you" it scratched me with its long nails across my chest, it ripped open my shirt and the cold air made me shiver, it lurched forward again and its teeth scraped my shoulder. The creature knocked me over and sat over me, screeching in my ear and I felt its long tongue lick my neck, I begged the creature to let me go, to let me live but it only laughed and bit into my shoulder again, screaming so hard my throat goes raw and I taste a metallic liquid, I just kept screaming, screaming for jack until finally no sounds came out, I feel the creatures tongue lick the blood coming from my neck and it sniffed over my body, it bit down into my arm next but I couldn't scream anymore, I just couldn't do it so I passed out excepting death, letting the dark spots in my vision take over and I pass out. I dream again and its the man, he looks worried as he rusges over to me, "tell me where they put you" he spoke gripping my shoulders, "the pit i think, am I dead?" I ask him and he shakes his head no "not if I find you in time, Do not wake up yet, imagine a happy memory and stay there for a while okay, I will wake you up when its safe' He begins walking away and this fog appears making him disappear, I do what he told me and I think of the day me and Jack moved in together, the endless black void I was standing in turned into my apartment kitchem, Jack sat on the counter while I cook us dinner, we where talking about video games while I cooked, Jack hops off the counter and grabs the plates and sets them on the counter next to me, i put some waffles and bacon on the plates and we eat at the kitchen table, laughing and joking about stupid things, we both eat the food and jack does the dishes while I find a movie for us to watch in the living room, he comes into the living room and gets comfy on the couch so I throw a blanket over him and I lay on the other side of the couch also getting comfy. We watch the movie and we laugh about it as we get ready for bed, getting into my bed I close my eyes, remembering I'm already dreaming, I close my eyes and I wake up in the king's room. Why Was I in Here?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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