My Policeman.

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Harry shuts the door behind him, calling out for his boyfriend, "Lou, babe I'm home!"

When he doesn't get an answer, he begins to worry. He told Louis he'd be home at 4 O'clock, so he should be home.

"Louis?" He shouts while climbing up the stairs and walking into their bedroom.

Harry is met with a sleeping Louis laying on their bed. The laptop is laying beside him, and the glow from the screen is lighting up his face in the darkness.

He smiles and walks over to the bed. He picks up the laptop and gives a quick glance at it. He has to do a double take at the screen, as he he's something.

"What the..." He smiles to himself and shuts the lid, putting it on their desk.

The screen was paused on a certain part of the movie; my policeman. Himself and David kissing. Well...him and "Patrick" kissing.

Quietly, he sheds himself from all of his clothes, apart from his boxers, and climbs into bed beside Louis.

"Mmm" Louis mumbles and rolls over, with his back to Harry.

"Baby, are you awake?" Harry whispers and places a gentle hand on Louis' shoulder.


"Okay, just checking. Goodnight, I love you"

He doesn't get an answer.


Bzzzzz bzzzzz

Louis reaches out his hand and slaps the clock, hoping it will turn off. But when it doesn't, he mutters a 'for fucks sake' and swings his legs out of the bed. The button is pressed and before he can turn around and get back to sleep, he feels a strong, but gentle hand on his lower back.

"Morning babe" Harry's raspy morning voice greets from behind him.

"Hi" Louis mumbles back. He turns around and removes Harry's hand from his back.

"Stop touching me please" He whispers and stands up while taking some clothes out of the drawers.

"Oh, okay. Sorry" Harry replies, confused as hell, but he doesn't say anything about Louis' wierd behaviour. Louis normally loves it when Harry touches him. In both ways; when they're having sex, or just nice and warm, innocent touches.

Louis gets changed and heads to the bathroom, presumably brushing his teeth. The door slams behind him, startling Harry.

He decides to get dressed and ready for the day, so he puts on skinny jeans and a black t-shirt.

"Lou? Can I come in?" Harry asks and knocks on the door quietly.

"Dunno. If you want" Louis says in what sounds like an annoyed tone.

Harry opens the door slowly, finding Louis brushing his hair a bit too hard for his liking.

"Baby, if you don't mind me saying, you've been a bit distant from me. Every since I started filming My policeman." He reaches out and gently takes the brush out of his hand.

"Yeah, well. Sorry" He says back, quite sharply.

Harry's taken back by his actions and words. He wonders what he could've done wrong for Louis to act like this.

"Is there a reason? I mean, have I done something wrong?" No answer. Just silence lingering in the air.

After another moment of silence, he speaks again, "Lou? What have I done? It would be better if you told me, so I can sort it out." He pushes.

Louis shakes his head slightly and walks out, Harry follows him, "Do you seriously not know yet?" Louis turns around and asks Harry like it's the most obvious thing I'm the world.

"Obviously not Lou, so can you tell me?" He pleads.

Louis sighs, "You. And David. Kissed. It shouldn't have happened." Louis replies shortly, and stomps away, chucking himself onto the sofa.

It finally dawned upon Harry what this was all about. Last night he saw the laptop paused on that exact moment when they kissed. Louis was jealous.

Harry laughs lightly, cracking a slight smile, "Is that what this was all about? Because me and David kissed. Well I can tell you for a fact that I did not enjoy it, if that's what you're thinking. I didn't enjoy it one bit, and as soon as it was over, I wiped my mouth and moved away from him, okay? It didn't mean anything at all Lou, I promise."

Louis pauses, "Yeah but-" He sighs, "Sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way, I mean, it was part of the script, right? So it wasn't real. I don't know why I got so jealous...sorry"

"You don't have to be sorry love. You're mine, and I'm yours. We have eachother and nobody else matters." Harry kisses Louis' lips kindly.

"You're right. I love you so much Harry. And by the way, you looked very handsome while you were dressed in that policeman costume"


Hi! I know this was a bit short, but I was quite busy today so had to fit it into any free time that I had.

Also, I'm aware that I kind of messed up this one a bit; because I wrote about Harry filming it recently, but Louis had already watched it on the that doesn't really make any sense and now I'm confused:/.

But we roll with it and I try my best! Thanks,


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