The Notes.

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Louis POV:

(Frat Harry and Louis)

Louis snaps his eyes open and sits upright in lightning speed.

"Shit, shit, shit" He curses and hurriedly grabs his bag, stuffing his pencil case, bottle and other things in. He looks over to his clock; 8:46am, It reads.

"No no no, the teachers gonna kill me" He pulls on his clothes and runs to the bathroom, brushing his teeth.

Late. Again. Why didn't he set a clock? God's sake.

"Niall are you in?" He shouts, but doesn't hear an answer. Niall is his roommate, and best friend for years.

He takes an apple from the kitchen counter and rushes out the door, slamming it behind him.

Louis and Niall live in a very shitty block of flats. Louis has a job...but the money isn't very good and he can hardly pay his share of the rent.


The door to the English classroom is barged open and a very sweaty and out of breath Louis enters.

"So sorry I'm late miss. I forgot to set my clock" He hunches over and takes deep breaths to try and calm his breathing down.

"No problem, Mr Tomlinson. You have detention after school. You've been late every day this week, so that's gonna be an hour." She rolls her eyes. Other students in the room snicker and whisper.

Louis sighs and sorts his hair out, "Yeah yeah, detention, of course it is"

"Less of the attitude, sit down" She snaps and points to the empty seat.

The walk of shame. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and walks to the back of the class, and into the empty seat.

Louis catches the eyes of a green eyed boy staring at him from beside his desk. Wow, he thinks. That boy is gorgeous; his hair, his lips. He would kiss them all day long if he could.

Louis! Stop. You're staring too much.

He offers a smile towards the green eyed boy, but all he gets in return is a wink and a smirk, before he turns away.


The bell rings, signalling the end of the day. Finally, Louis can go back to what he calls home and watch TV.. oh wait. Scratch that. Detention.

"Ughhhhh" He groans, catching the attention of Niall, Louis' best mate, who's walking beside him. He's also got detention for flirting shamelessly with a teacher who is way older than him.

"Just get it over with Lou. I mean, the good thing is, that boy you were staring at in English this morning is gonna be there." He smirks.

Louis' face lights up, "Really? What's his name, I can't believe I still don't know it"

"Ummm, Harry Styles, I'm pretty sure"


"Louis Tomlinson, sit there. And Niall Horan, you can go there" The teacher, Mrs Collins ticks off their names and assigns them their seats.

Louis looks over to wear he's gonna be sat for the next hour. He holds back a smile when he sees Harry next to his chair. Slowly, he walks to his seat and puts his bag down.

A couple minutes of side glances towards Harry's direction, he finally gets caught glancing.

Harry snickers to himself and shakes his head slightly. Louis wonders what Harry's doing when he takes out a notebook and rips some paper out of it.

He writes something on it, checks to see if the teacher is looking, which she wasn't, and chucks it over to Louis' desk.

Louis opens it, careful not to be to obvious so the teacher doesn't see. It reads...

Hey. You're hot, you know that? Your eyes, they're like diamonds. I'd like to get to know you if you'd let me? :)

-From H x

Louis stares at the little X at the end. He flips the paper over and starts writing back.

I mean, I'd hate to seem like a narcissist, but thanks I guess. I see my eyes as one of my best features ;). I'm not sure what else to say, but I'd love to find out who you are and what you're into. (Not in a creepy way)

-Louis x

He decided to put a kiss at the end, because it felt right to. The note bounces onto Harry's table, and Harry gives him a smile while opening the paper.

Louis scans Harry's face for any signs of emotion, but he doesn't find anything. All he sees is him ripping out some more paper and writing something, with his little tongue poking out the corner of his mouth.

Soon enough, it comes his way.

Well, my name's Harry Styles, I'm 19, I partly live with my mate Zayn. But he's hardly ever there anymore, since he's too busy with his boyfriend Liam. I love cats, and baking too. I'm also bisexual and at the moment I'm looking for a relationship with a guy.

-Harry x

Louis re-reads the relationship part. Should he risk it and ask Harry to get with him?

Harry Styles sounds like a proper rockstar name :) I'm Louis Tomlinson, 17 years old. I live with my best friend Niall; he's the blonde one over to my right. I like going to the bar, but sadly I'm shit at baking. I'm gay and single.

-Louis x


Rockstar name? Really? Niall's a nice guy, I've spoken to him a couple times, we're in the same maths class. This might be a little awkward and quite quick to ask over note, but would you like to go out with me?

-Haz x

*5 months later- In relationship*

Louis decides to call Harry to come over. Niall's out with some girl called Sophia, and most probably fucking her right at this moment.

After a few rings, he answers.

"Hey baby, you ok?" Harry's deep voice comes through the phone.

"Hi Haz, are you busy?"

"Not right now, what's up?"

"Can you come over? Niall's out with a random girl, So" Louis waits for his answer.

"Course I can, love. I'll be there soon, I love you lots Sweetheart"

"Okay! I love you too Hazza"


The door knocks and Louis jumps up, running over to the door and opening it.

Harry stands there with his hands in his pockets, looking down at his boyfriend.

"Why hello there, handsome boy" Harry smiles and bends down to kiss Louis on the lips as a greeting.

"Hi, love." Louis opens the door and Harry walks straight in.

"Oooh, what's this?" Harry plops himself onto the sofa and starts watching the telly, so Louis joins him and leans into his side.

Louis sighs and closes his eyes.

"Tired? Did you have much sleep last night?" Harry looks down and rubs his back.

He stands up and switches the TV off.

"I slept good. Come shower with me?" Louis asks expectantly, with a cute smile.

"How can I say no to this face" Harry puts his hands on Louis' shoulders and kisses him passionately.

"Mm" Louis makes a noise in the back of his throat when he feels Harry's tongue slide into his mouth. He splays his hand onto Harry's tummy and backs them into the bathroom.


Finally added another one. The chapter before this one took a very very veryyy long time to finish and publish, but I'm glad I managed to update again.

I quite liked the general idea of this one.
Thank you,


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