chapter 4

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Sirius's POV
Today is May 4th 1972 Amelia was just born today after Amelia was born madame poppy let Lily rest before we see Lily and Amelia, once Lily woke up she told madam poppy she was up for some visitors so poppy let Remus and I into the hospital wing Remus went first, after Remus left the wing Lily said that i could hold Amelia I sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed and Lily put Amelia into my arms and I noticed that she didn't have James's brown hair or Lily's Firey-Red hair, so once Amelia was a sleep I put her into her little cott, I comly asked Lily who Amelia's father is she said that severus is Amelia's father, I asked her how it happened she said that she and James had an argument with james about him not spending enough time with Lily so after she left she went to a Slytherin party.

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