TFP Knockout x femme reader ⚠️

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I groaned as my sparkmate Knockout complained about a small scratch on his finish. Yes, I loved the mech more than anything, but he was obsessed with his paint job and primus forbid he get a small scratch. I jumped up and started to work on a broken data pad.

Knockout huffed, " are you even listening to me?" I shook my helm, " no, I've got to finish this for Lord Megatron before tomorrow or I'll get my spark ripped out."

I smiled when I felt Knockouts arms wrap around my waist, " can I at least get a kiss?" He took the data pad out of my servos and set it aside, I turned around and pressed my dermas against his and smiled when I pulled away, " happy now?"

Then I reached for the data pad but he stopped me again, " no I want a better kiss than that." I rolled my optics and pulled him into a more heated kiss. He hummed in agreement and pulled away, " there, you see that's all I wanted. I love you." I placed a servo on the side of his faceplate and smiled , " I love you too sweetspark."

I added a few things to the data pad and tried to turn it on. It came on and showed that it needed a passcode. I smiled and took it to the main room and handed it to Lord Megatron, " here's your data pad my lord." Megatron looked at me and nodded, " I've already called Knockout and Breakdown. I need you three to go on a mission." And when the two mechs walked in he added, " and I hope you don't disappoint me."

Time skip
I jumped in front of the autobot scout as he tried to get to the relic and started to attack him. I left quite a few dents in the scouts armor before the Prime came up and knocked me off of him. The prime glared at me as I got up, " (y/n) I suggest you stand down. I will not refrain from fighting you if you don't." I rolled my optics, " scared to be beaten by a femme prime?"

I jumped at him, surprising him and giving myself the upper hand. Optimus kicked me back hard and sent me flying into a boulder, " ouch!" Knockout turned and charged towards the prime and called for backup. Arcee attacked me when I got up leaving deep wounds on on me.

I fell to the ground from a deep wound that Arcee left in my tanks making her start to lose a lot of energon pain roared through every inch of my frame. The blue femme had left to go fight another con but didn't notice how much damage she had really done. I watched as a ground bridge opened and more decepticons flowed through including Megatron. I tried to get up but I couldn't I only felt weaker and weaker as the minutes went by, and blackness started to cloud my vision and my optics started to flicker off and online and felt sleep pulling at her me but I had to stay awake, for Knockout.

Knockouts POV

I looked over to see (y/n) laying on the ground with a huge puddle of energon around her with her optics flickering off and online, she had just been battling with Arcee but when I last looked, but now she was like this. I dropped my weapon and pelted across the battle field making every one stop fighting and watch me. I fell on my knees when I got to my femme and started to try to patch the wound, " stay with me (y/n), (y/n)!!" She rested a servo on mine and weakly smiled, " it's okay sweetspark." I shook my helm feeling desperate, " no! I can save you!"

Love and sadness clouded her optics, " oh sweetspark, it's okay. I'll be okay and we can be together again in the allspark someday." (Y/n) used the last little bit of strength she had to pull me in for a kiss full of love, and when she pulled away a tear ran down her face and she smiled sweetly at him, " it's okay, just promise me you won't grieve for me too long." I just looked at her with tears running down my faceplates, " please don't leave me." She looked at him, " we never know when it is our time sweetspark. Just know that I'll always be right beside you, even though you can't tell. Remember I love you Knockout more than anything."

After the femme said that, her optics flickered for the last time and then went blank. I started to cry harder than I ever had before and pulled her close to him and kissed her cheek plates, " (y-y/n), I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." Then I turned to Arcee and growled, " this is your fault you stupid autobot! You killed my mate!!!"

But right after the searing pain of our bond being cut raged through my frame. She was gone.

Knockouts POV

I sighed as I walked around looking at the rebuilt town he lived in on cybertron. It was the same town (y/n) and I had lived in before the war started, I missed her terribly and wished that she could've seen our home get brought back.

I knew the femme would have loved it, and wouldn't have cared if the autobots had been the ones to bring it back, because I knew deep inside that she was only a decepticon because she wanted to be with me and loved me.

Not long after she had died Breakdown was killed by Arachnid leaving me alone. I had lost both of the most important bots in my life.

Ratchet looked over at Knockout as he came in, " having a hard time today?" I nodded, " she always loved quiet days like these."

Just as I said that I heard a quiet voice in my audio receptor, " I love you Knockout don't forget that." I smiled and looked at Ratchet, " I know she's still with me. She always seems to remind me in someway on days like this."

The End

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