Family Disappointment

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TWs: Mentions of death
Iteration: MyStreet, season three
Note: This is for Amethyst_8XM I love you, bestie <3

Zane always knew he was the family disappointment, but he never imagined he was this big of one. His father was so unbelievably cruel! How could he say that to Zane? And right in front of Vylad and their mother?

In order to understand how Zane found himself in this situation, it is best to go back in time a week and a half ago.

Garroth was being his usual annoying self. They were in the car, heading back from seeing their parents. Vylad sat in the backseat while Zane and Garroth were in the front. Garroth was the one driving as he sang along to the radio.

"Ooh! It's somethin' magical!" Garroth sang loudly. "It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushin' on!"

"Rushin' on!" Vylad sang with him. 

"I don't need no reason, don't need control!"

"Oh my Irene, shut up," Zane snapped. 

"Awww, Zane, do you not like our singing?" Garroth teased. 

"No," he grumbled angrily. Zane crossed his arms with a huff. 

Garroth chuckled and made a right turn. "Fine, fine. We'll stop singing for now."

"Key word is for now, Zane," Vylad stated, chuckling a little. "I'm so excited to be at your house. I'm ready to sleep."

"You can sleep in the back, baby brother." Garroth didn't look back at Vylad as he was driving. He turned the volume down and changed the radio to classical. "It's another two hour drive back home, so I'll wake you up when we get back if you aren't already awake. Same goes for you, Zane."

Zane grunted a little and shut his eyes, letting the exhaustion from socializing so much overtake his senses. He fell into a deep slumber.


The next thing Zane knew was pain. It felt like glass was digging into his arms. The faint sound of sirens rang in his ears, but it was very muffled. The loudest sound he could hear was a loud ringing. It was so loud, it was giving him a headache.

Zane slowly cracked his eyes open and looked back. Vylad was in better shape than Zane was. But his green eyes were wide and full of silent tears, his hands covering his mouth. His nose looked broken and there was glass on his legs.

Next, Zane looked over at his older brother. The sight that was before him would follow him for the rest of his days. 

Garroth's whole body was covered in blood. It looked like he had leaned forward to protect Zane. His body had been crushed by a car that was no longer was there. Zane could hear very labored and faint breathing from him.

Which meant that Garroth was still alive!

Zane quickly unbuckled, struggling with his arms in so much pain. He was suddenly made aware of how much pain his left leg was in. He was already fading in and out of consciousness, but he had to make sure that Garroth would be okay.

Soft groans came from the oldest of the three. His breathing was only getting slower, which was terrifying. 

Unfortunately, Zane was surprised Garroth was still alive. Don't get it wrong, he was glad he was, but the shape he was in. Garroth would never be the same after this. His body would never be the shape it once was. He wouldn't be able to do the things he used to be able to do.

Paramedics opened the door to the car, pulling Zane out before he could grab Garroth and pull him close. Zane was put onto a stretcher and pushed to an ambulance. He caught eye of Vylad, seeing how scared he looked as he was pushed away and put into a different ambulance. 

Zane's vision faded away as he passed out again, ignoring the people telling him to stay awake.


He once again woke up, this time in a hospital bed. He was bandaged and hooked up to multiple machines, his right arm and left leg gone. Vylad was in the hospital bed next to him, still asleep. 

Zane looked around, the breathing tubes in his nose suddenly very irritating. He didn't tug on it, even if his body screamed at him to do so. Right now, he was too focused on finding Garroth. He needed to make sure his older brother was still alive and breathing. That was the only thing that mattered. Not the pain he was in, not the pain Vylad was probably in. Garroth was hurt the most and Zane needed to know that he was okay. 

A doctor walked in the room, looking at their clipboard. "I see you're awake, Mr. Ro'Meave. I am sure you've noticed that your arm and leg have been amputated. I fear it is because when Garroth's body was on you, it crushed your arm. Your leg was very badly twisted and broken. The best thing to do was to cut it off before an infection occurs. Uhm, obviously your life will be affected by these amputations, but I am sure you will be able to recover and relearn how to function to your previous abilities."

"I don't care about that," Zane said quickly. "Where is Garroth?"

"Ah. Of course you would ask about your brother. I am sad to say that he died on the way to the hospital. If we had gotten there a few minutes sooner, he might've had more of a chance. It is interesting that he hadn't died immediately. The other car crashed right into him. They did get away, but police are searching for them."

Zane tuned out everything else they had said after saying Garroth was dead. His whole world felt like it was crumbling. He had just getting a good relationship with Garroth, why did he have to die? Zane hated that he had spent so much of his life pushing him away.

Pushing him away because he was scared and jealous. He was so selfish for that because, despite his behavior, Garroth still loved him and adored every moment they had together. Zane was so selfish and cruel to Garroth, yet Garroth still wanted him around.

And now he was gone.

Garroth had been a light in Zane's world, a light in so many people's world. He loved almost everyone he met, he was kind to anyone who came across his path, even if they didn't return the kindness. He never resented anyone or made anyone feel unwanted.

Now, Garte acted like this whole thing was Zane's fault. Like Zane chose for a drunk driver to ram into their car. Like Zane chose for Garroth to die. And Garte wasn't afraid to say this to Zane's face. 

He even shouted it at Zane in the middle of Garroth's funeral. In front of everyone. In front of his grieving mother and mentally broken brother. 

How cruel was that?

Garte only saw Garroth as important. Everyone else was there to support his first born child, people for Garroth to use if he so chose to. Not that Garroth ever would, he was too kind and loving to do that.

Angry tears stung Zane's eyes. His brother was dead and his father hated him for it.

He truly was the disappointment in his family. 

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