• Changed: Deathbattle •

7 0 0


• Colin
(Will of Human)

Weapon: Fists and "Human" Energy

User Appearance: Same Avatar

1. Azure River
- the user dashes forward slightly as they punch and then bombard the target with punches that are imbrued with a blue colored energy before knocking them back.

- Finisher: the target gets sent flying in the air at a high speed.

2. Sky Blue
- the user now throws a ball of blue energy at a medium speed.

- if a target is hit by it, the user teleports infront of the target and punches them four times in quick successions before uppercutting them and jumping upwards and slamming them towards the ground

3. Mortal's Parry
- the user parries the user by karate chopping their attack, stopping it and stunning them, then combos them with punches, knocking the target back and smashing them to the ground.

4. Calm Rush
- the user now jumps on their front and throws small blue disks of energy infront of them, and then throws a large blue disk of energy after that explodes everything in blue colored flames, knocking the user back.

- 0.5x Damage After a Kill

• Puro

(Guiding Dusk)

Weapon: Claws, Fists, and Dark Crystals

User Appearance: Half Dark-Latex, like what Colin became in the wolf king fight.

1. Chain Downpour
- The user dashes towards the opponent and then kicks them, now summoning chains of dark crystals on the ground then attaching them to the opponent, disappears after 3 seconds.

- Far From Player: user retracts the chain and then kicks the target upwards, knocking them back and stunning but not being ragdolled.

- Near From Player: the chain makes the user get close to the target by pulling them towards the opponent, then the user starts barraging the opponent with punches and kicks till the chains that hold the target break. (6 punches and 4 kicks)

2. Restrain
- the user now punches the target hard, getting knocked back as chains of dark crystals restrain them in place, stunning them for 3 seconds and disappearing after the timer ends.

- a timer appears ontop of the move's icon that counts down from 3 seconds, if you activate it again then the target gets flung in the air by a chain wrapped around their leg and then smashed back down to the ground, dealing some damage.

3. Sharp Shackles
- the user raises their arm as chains with sharp pyramid-shaped ends come out of the ground, damaging people and then retracting back down to the ground, damaging them again and knocking them back.

4. ???
- ...

~ • ~


• Berserker
[Will of Human]

Weapons: Fists and "Human" Energy

User Appearance: Same Avatar with an intense blue aura

Ult Animation: The user now backflips in the air and as they land, they shoot out discs of blue energy right infront of them four times before dashing right infront of them and pouncing, exploding everything right behind them in blue energy.

1. ???

2. ???

3. ???

4. ???

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2024 ⏰

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