It was a calm night, truly, it was one of the best nights one could ever ask for to begin with. A beautiful sight over the expanse of the ocean, the moonlight reflecting oh so generously over the soothing rhythm of the waters below, its image stretched out far beyond what the eye could typically see. The stars above shimmered with a radiance only a distant light ever could, indifferent to hands that desired its power and might...
Somehow, it felt as if the atmosphere of the world crept to allow this one singular day to pass smoothly, the atmosphere itself dancing passiomately with sands below as grains painted a golden picture along the beach front, its waters pulling and tugging along its edges, a continuous rhythm that sung wonders into the ears of two very special persons; their gazes fixed out on the shimmering coastline before them, seated within a quiet embrace whilst the currents played a listless song...
Toma sat comfortably upon the golden floors she shared, her armor discarded and left resting neatly on the bed she assigned for herself with her shared island home, comfortably sat in nothing but an oversized version of her red undershirt whilst a small, almost dismissable smile stood beautifully on her features, the years of bloodshed and blinded indifference her features usually wore melted away for this night entirely, allowing herself this one moment to simply enjoy the company of the one she loved...
She wanted to savor the moment entirely...
Glancing beside herself, Toma's smile brightened at the slender frame leaning against her, a blue haired wonder whose gaze remained entranced by the rolling waters before her, a vision so soft it swam through her eyes, an admittedly enchanting sight that Toma herself wondered how easily such an intimate feature formed in a manner of moments...
Leaning even deeper into the woman's touch, Toma almost missed the widened smile that graced Launch's features, accompanying said smile was the burning sensation of a blush breaking through her milky skin, a sight that made Toma's heart jump (even faster) before swelling with so many uncharacteristic feelings, in turn bringing the woman even deeper in her hold.
"I don't know how much more my heart can take if you keep holding me like this..." Mumbling softly, Launch stole a peek at the muscular woman beside her, loving the way her eyes closed themselves in her usual way of thought when they shared a time with each other. Noticing the smile that rested smoothly on Toma's lips, Launch adjusted herself, resting her entire self upon Toma's lap, her action causing the mild blush of the Saiyan to increase tenfold, stifling a wry giggle at the uncharacteristic sight.
"F-forgive me, should we seperate?" Asking softly, Toma's arms remained on the sands below herself, her eyes traveling the enchanting frame of the woman seated sweetly on her, noting the red and white nightie she wore....a homage to her own battle gear's color scheme.
"No....I quite like it where I'm seated." Moving at an even pace, Launch slowly rested her hands on Saiyan's body, hands roaming the features underneath the oversized shirt she wore, fingers trailing the heavy abs that lay hidden behind a thin piece of fabric...
Stunning the woman, Toma eyes truly soaked the image of Launch before her, the teasing smile that stood proud even after the act she'd done to her, the beautiful blue of her eyes that shone with a life which made Toma's heart skip several beats.....and finally, her body....
A smooth frame any woman would kill for that not even age itself seemed to really affect. As the years they spent together went on, Toma loved the way Launch only became more and more enticing with her age, Toma herself truly could not imagine how or why she complained of a near invisible fault with herself when she simply became even more stunning within each day.
"Toma, the moonlight's beautiful isn't it....." Gently stroking the Saiyan's stomach, the woman in question sighed in response, tearing her gaze away from what she considered the best sight this planet had to offer, gazing once more out to a sight of equal beauty.
"It truly is...though, the sight I find most pleasing would be the one seated on me..." Smiling at the way Launch rolled her eyes, Toma's arms raised from the floors, sand rolling off her fingers in waves as they found themselves at the hips of the earthly woman, a low gasp slipping past her before she regained herself, her lips remaining partially open while her eyes glossed dangerously over Toma's half lidded ones.
Slowly moving her hands upwards, Launch's tone came soft, almost as if she was ready to whisper them in the anticipated ears of the Saiyan..."Really? What about this sight do you like?" Finding her way to the Saiyan's unguarded pec, Toma's blush dimmed ever so slightly, a breath hitching deeply in her throat.
"Her smile...her wondrous gaze, her beautiful features which refuses to lie....her enchanting voice that makes my heart beat and flow even faster....among so many more..." Squeezing the ample body within her grasp, Launch did the same, the trained and honed muscle underneath the fabric feeling wonderous in her grip.
"Well, I quite like the hunk of a woman below me, her silver tongue sings a song through my ears that nobody else can compare to."
Leaning forward, Launch made sure to keep her eyes fixed on the Saiyan, the gaze now adorning the saiayn's eyes could only be described as restrained lust, her breaths purring through her lips for every inch she came closer, her heart jumping so loud, a smile couldn't help but happen upon Launch, relishing the effect she unknowingly had on the Saiyan.
"Do you wonder what Bulma, Videl and the rest are getting up to now?" Asking before pausing inches before the woman, Toma softly groaned, rolling her eyes as she responded, "Why would their happenings disrupt us? I would prefer to soley direct my eyes to the elustrious bud laid before me." With her face worming even more, Launch chuckled at the Saiyan's blatant disregard to the thought of what their friends were getting up to, her impatient eagerness on full display for her and only her eyes to see...
"No reason...just a stray thought...." Bringing her arms up even more, Launch rested them around the Saiyan's neck, at which, if one looked close enough, you could swear that steam somehow dribbled its way from her head, Toma's arms in kind wrapping tightly around the woman's hips.
Angling herself, Launch continued, "Toma..."
"Yes my love?"
"Happy new years..."
"....Happy New Years darling...." Smiling once more, the two met in a loving embrace, lips dancing and savoring the very essence of the one seated before them, uncaring of the cool wind that tugged at the edges of their hairs, the moon's glow rebounding eagerly off the two women locked solely and silently upon the other, the ends of the waters before them finally meeting the edges of their feet, washing and over taking their legs in the liquid gold that the sand and water made....
Reflecting solemnly upon the waters below, the moon danced lovingly along its waters, a sight that could soften even the hardest of beings to simply enjoy the stunningness of what they witnessed...
Happy New years, from Toma and Launch <3
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