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Chris leaped forward throwing his whole body trying to get in a position where he could actually make progress on moving towards his sister. Ever since she went to go save that "Steve" guy all he heard was screaming, loud banging, then more screaming, silence, and now loud weeping. He struggled to get to the second floor with his injury and the broken staircase, of course, but thankfully and impressively climbed his way up.

Slowly he made his way up to the second floor of the mansion. Chris used a wall to prop himself up as he clumsily limped his way to his sister's. Going through the hall opening every door hopping to hoping dear sister behind one. He pushed every door open until he got to the end of the hall where one huge door waited for him. He pushed it open, struggling at first but still managing to open the door.

As he limped inside the room he held his gun to his side. The room was huge and at the end of it was Clare. She was leaning on a corpse of what he assumed was Steve. Clare slowly turned her head around to look at her sibling. Her eyes were teary and her face was scrunched up like a child. Chris limped toward Clare to attempt to comfort her but as he carelessly limped towards her he wasn't paying attention to how he walked and fell. He continued to make his way to Clare but this time crawling, reaching out his hand towards his sister.

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