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And suddenly you know.... it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.

Aadrika's POV

"Sir, we have reached".

I was jolted out of my reverie and the chains of thoughts that had been plaguing me since I had been in this car with my husband and kids by the words of the driver.

A river of tears was constantly pouring out of my eyes, so Mr. Singhania was sitting next to the driver's seat while my darling huns opted to sit on the passenger seats to comfort and console me.

When they heard what driver said, happiness took hold of them and they started to jump in merriment. I caught a glimpse of a smile popping onto his face through the rearview mirror. The smile lightened his whole face. A pair of dimples emerged on either side of his face, and his eyes wrinkled at the corners.

He looked so much handsome and young when he smiled and....I should probably stop drooling over on my own husband now.

The soft click of a door unlocking interrupted me.

"Let's get out of the car Kids".

His deep, rich voice brushed my skin like black velvet and a shiver chased its wake, born of equal parts pleasure and coldness.

I recognised that voice.

I'd heard it only a few times in my life, but that was enough. Like the man who owned it, it was unforgettable and my heart slowed a fraction of a beat while heat rushed over the back of my neck.

And without any protest, I came out of the car and an icy gust of wind chose that moment to whip past. I was sweating bullets in the pavilion, but now, I was so cold even the memory of warmth was frosted with blue.

"It's freezing."The word shook through my chattering teeth, but I didn't get a slight response from other side.

I twisted my necklace around my finger until it cut off the circulation while waiting for him to initiate the walk towards the place where he lives.

And with that single thought, He stepped aside to give me the way, as if he could read my strange thoughts, which always seem to decide to run amok in my head for no apparent reason.

"So, Aadrika it's a bad habit."my Inner conscience said.

"Bad habit?".Unsurley, I asked.

"A bad habit, indeed. Lying is a bad habit Aadrika".My inner conscience replied back.

"Can, you please clarify".I annoyingly asked.

"Didn't you just say in the last sentence "marathon in my MIND". ?" My inner conscience asked

"Yes, I said but what's the problem ?"It is getting on my nerves, so I asked indignantly.

"The issue is not with my query; rather, it is with you, as you just stated, 'Marathon in my MIND.' But wait a minute, God has not endowed you with the vital organ of the human body, which is the 'Mind.'"My inner conscience gave me an explanation—or, perhaps more accurately, demonstrated my ignorance and my lack of intelligence.

"Can you please shut up as now I'm married so I don't have time to listen your all bullshits".I tried to explain my not-so-great inner conscience.

"Okay but-".

"No buts, now zip your mouth". I scolded my inner conscience in a hope that it would listen me this time.

"Areee sunno( listen) just one more time and I promise to keep my mouth shut until it's not very necessary".My inner conscience said in a pleading tone that I couldn't refuse.

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