45 - Stumbling

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Jungkook takes a shaky breath.

Then, ever-so-quietly, he sings.

"Even if the sandy ocean floor splits into two..."

His voice is barely above a whisper.

"Even if someone shakes up this world... Never let go of my hand..."

He feels so weak. He couldn't protect himself, let alone Y/n. What kind of a person was he to let her down like that?

"Please don't wake up from this dream..."

A single tear falls down his cheek. His lungs feel heavy and it hurts to breathe, but he resolves to finish the verse before falling apart.

"Close the door now... when I'm with you I'm in..."

The world holds its breath.

"... euphoria."

Everything hurts. More tears travel silently down his cheek as the world around him starts fading away. He wishes he could reach outward one more time. He tries sending a hug to Y/n through the wind, but he knows it doesn't work like that. Y/n will never know.

I'm so sorry.

Then, out of energy, he leans completely against the wall behind him. He does nothing more.

The world around him also becomes just that.



Nothing more.


One moment I'm trying to stumble through the darkness on the battlefield, and the next moment Jin seems to be carrying me. He's yelling and someone else, maybe Namjoon, yells back, but their voices sound so far away and distant and I can't make out what words they're saying.

Everything's a blur. I want to stay awake and ask where we're going, so I try to fight off the fatigue and say something, do something, but exhaustion makes my limbs feel so incredibly heavy. I feel Jin setting me down on something soft and I think it's a mattress of sorts. It feels nice to sink into it.

It makes me think of the comforting blankets in the treehouse where Jungkook sang that song to me. The scene that day fills my mind's eye and maybe I'm going insane, maybe I'm dreaming, but the vision is crystal clear and the words are so distinct even though I've only ever heard them once. I listen intently as he sings me those lines again.

"Even if the sandy ocean floor splits into two,

Even if someone shakes up this world,

Never let go of my hand.

Please don't wake up from this dream."

"Close the door now...

When I'm with you I'm in euphoria."

I pause for a moment. Wasn't the last word utopia, or something? I can't remember... maybe I'll wake up in the treehouse next to him and I'll get to ask him about it. Maybe the battle never really happened. With this comforting thought in mind, I give in to the unconsciousness.

Inside me, replacing all the shock and confusion, is numbness. The lack of emotions.



Nothing more.

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