12 - Rocky Road

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"Uh... J-Hope...?"


I reluctantly admit the truth. "I'm not regenerating energy anymore."

He slowly turns his head to face me

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He slowly turns his head to face me. We make eye contact. "You serious?"



A big rock - it goes flying past us when J-Hope drives off to the side to avoid it.

"Well then," J-Hope says. "All we can do is wait. And drive. I still have to drive."

I notice he's bouncing his left leg up and down impatiently. I fidget with my fingers and look back at Jungkook to make sure he's okay.

He's still peacefully asleep.

Well at least that saves him from all the anxiety, I think.


J-Hope swerves. I hold on to the side handle when J-Hope takes another impossibly sharp turn to the right.


The amount of rocks flying at us increases at an alarming rate. Each time one is created, a loud BOOM would ring through the air. I would've been able to use them to my advantage and recharge if I wasn't exhausted energy-wise.

It seems like the guards behind us are getting more desperate.

Inevitably, one of the rocks hits the top of the truck. The back window cracks and suddenly there's a dent in the ceiling.

J-Hope and I both yelp in surprise. Again, J-Hope recovers quickly and continues driving on.

How does he do that?

He turns the truck masterfully. After a few turns I end up watching him, confused, when he seems to purposefully angle the truck so the rocks hit the cargo bed. "Why are you making them hit the truck?"

"It's impossible to dodge everything. If they hit the engine, we're doomed. The back isn't as important," J-Hope explains.

And it does make sense - with the sheer amount of rocks being launched into the air, he's right.


"Okay Y/n," J-Hope says. "We're close to Base C. If the truck gets destroyed before we get there, I need you to run for your life into the treehouse, got it? It's a big enormous thing, you can't miss it -"


"Someone should be there -"


"- and if there isn't, then stay put till someone gets there, and if they don't -"


J-Hope doesn't get to finish the rest of his sentence.

A rock hits the driver's side window. Glass shatters everywhere around J-Hope and we both yell in surprise. I scoot away from the shards and quickly make sure that Jungkook didn't get hurt. J-Hope stubbornly keeps his eyes on the road, his sentence forgotten, and I can do nothing but hope that he's okay.

Knowing that he's covered in hundreds of little glass shards though, he probably isn't.

I look back to the front.

The moment I do, a new wave of dread hits me.

This just keeps getting worse and worse.

A few of the guards are standing before us, all prepared and completely blocking the road ahead. Like before, they're wearing black suits. This time they all have their right arms raised up at us.

We're racing to our doom once more.

I glance at all our surroundings, at the rocks still flying in the air, and the outcome of all this suddenly becomes clear to me: we won't make it in time. There are too many of them.

And too few of us.

We weren't quick enough.

I know it's supposed to terrify me, but all I feel inside is emptiness.

Even with Jungkook's wind powers, J-Hope's expert driving, and my sound blast against a few guards, the three of us are out of energy and certainly no match against the government.

I want to help more, but I can do nothing but sit and wait for my energy to regenerate.

It makes me feel so weak. Useless.

I sigh in defeat.

I glance over at J-Hope and he looks resigned, too. He must've reached the same conclusion.



I turn around to face him. Was he muttering something?

"It's cold," he mumbles, still half-asleep. His eyes remain closed, but after stirring a little bit he seems to fall back to unconsciousness.


"Did you hear that?" I ask J-Hope as I turn back around.

Then my eyes widen at the sight before us.


A rock is heading straight towards us. A big one. It must've been created by the combined effort of the entire line of guards altogether.

I'm barely able to catch a glimpse of it before it gets covered in a layer of frost and pushed away from us.

Wait - what's ice doing in the middle of September?

"OH MY GOODNESS YES!! Y/N WE GOT THIS!" J-Hope yells in excitement.

Before I can register what happened, an explosion happens up front. It looks like a mist of sharp, icy shards - it blows a few of the guards off their feet, creating a little pathway wide enough for J-hope to drive the truck through them.

I stare at the mist in fascination. It has so many beautiful shades of blue and purple, and yet it's so deadly. The cries of the guards caught in the mist are enough to attest to that.

Soon, the scene disappears behind us.

My brain struggles to keep up.

Whoever's doing the ice stuff just saved our lives. I have no idea how we would have been able to get past those guards otherwise. Not to mention what would've been the feeling of that big rock crashing into us... I shiver at the thought.

The road in front of us, free of conflict and guards, is suddenly empty and very quiet.

Then the gray concrete beneath us starts to transform.

I watch, eyes wide, as the road gets covered in a layer of crystal clear ice. Imagine someone pouring a layer of glaze on a doughnut or a cake - slowly, the gray disappears under beautiful, familiar hues of blue and purple.

It reflects the sky like a mirror. The truck slides smoothly along the icy road and our speed picks up even more. It makes our escape much faster.

It's like something straight out of Frozen, yet impossibly more mesmerizing.

I turn around to try and get another look at the mysterious ice person, but all I see behind us is a road of ice - a field of blue and purple, with a deadly mist in the distance.

Victory is ours.

J-Hope and I take a deep breath together. I can't believe we managed to survive that.

But now, a new question refuses to leave my mind.

Who was that?

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