Part- 11

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Jungkook was at his parents house. They were sitting at the large mahogany table for lunch.

His parents asked him how he was doing or he needed anything or not

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His parents asked him how he was doing or he needed anything or not. He politely answered that he was doing well and he didn't need anything. He also asked how was their health and they were taking care of their health or not. That was a simple conversation between a well mannered son and his parents. Everything was just like what it meant to be. The lunch was getting served by the maids. As soon as his parent's plates were served there was another plate got served beside him. That caused his smile to falter a little bit, though he didn't show it .

The plate was there for a reason. He knew that too well. The plate was there for Jeon Jung hyun, older brother of Jungkook. Whom he never saw in his lifetime. Because he died when Jungkook was just four years old.

Jung hyun had thalassemia that too chronic. Their parents loved him way too much , they tried everything they could . Even they sent their youngest child Jungkook to his grandparents house when he was merely six months old because they wanted to focus on their first child. Jungkook didn't know anything about having mother or father, the only thing he knew was his parents were trying to save his elder brother. His grandparents were nice people , they loved him as they could though he couldn't get to play with them cause they were old . He was liking the company of two old people there but fate had another plan for him.

His older brother died and after one year grieving for his elder brother , parents decided to took Jungkook from his grandparents house. When he came to his parents house he was sad but seeing his parents all broken and downhearted , he took a pledge in his heart to make his parents happy.

And he did everything he could at his power. He was a son that any parent would be lucky to have. He followed every orders or every words from his parents mouth without asking anything. He became really mature at his childhood. He always did fantastic in his studies . Then he thought maybe seeing more medals or achievements , his parents would be happy. So he participated in every sports and shone in that field as well.

The walls of his room was filled with certificates , medals and trophies of his achievement. But his heart was always craving for something that he couldn't get, affection or warmth of love. His parents were not abusive or dangerous. They never scold him too , although they didn't need to. He was too pure and kind for the world.

He was independent from childhood. He even learned cooking watching YouTube videos. He made favorite dishes of his parents and treated them. They praise him like any other achievements of his. But the praises seemed hollow not from the heart. Even when he was sick, he took care of himself so that his parents wouldn't worry. But when his parents were a little bit unwell , he took care of them like a guardian. He never complained about anything but sometimes he wished instead of his elder brother , if he be dead then their parents might have been happy.

Even when he decided to be a doctor and aimed for medical school he wanted to somehow make up for his parents . His parents owned the biggest art gallery of the country. His mother herself was a renowned artist . So he took arts class secretly and made himself better at that field too. He was a natural painter, born with the talent . His first painting was sold for a hefty amount of money.

So he made an arts series dedicating to his parents. That too was readily sold to the museum. He happily told his parents about the series and showed them. They were happy and even hugged him. For the first time in his life he was really happy and proud that his achievement made his parents delighted. He felt like he did something good . Later that night he was thirsty so he went for the kitchen . He saw the light of his parents room was still on and door wasn't closed. Being curious he went there and his heart shattered into pieces. He saw his parents were clutching his elder brother's picture and sniffling. He forgot his thirst and went back to his room. He cried himself to sleep that night.

But he didn't ever complained or said anything to them. He always respectfully did his duty and loved them wholeheartedly.

Only one person understood him well. That was his cousin Min yoongi. Who loved him like his own brother. He was quite person and didn't show his love that much . But he understood younger's feelings and hated Jungkook's parents for burdening him with their unfinished grief.

He knew younger was full of love and wanted nothing but a little in return. Jungkook was someone whom if you give something he will return back tenfold. His unconditional love for his parents were draining him. That's why his cousin kind of persuaded to live on his own. He wasn't listening at first but he couldn't say no to his cousin either .

That's why he wanted to love someone wholeheartedly and wanted to love him back , not because of his looks , his wealth , his talent ; but because of his personality. He was approached by too many guys before but they were attracted by his body or looks but nobody felt like the one.

He didn't say anything to Tae but he was the one who wanted to be friends not because of his looks or body. He meant really special to Kook.

With Tae he could be total himself. His cheesy flirt attempts , his whiny clingy behaviour, his sassy comments on his handsomeness everything was unique to him.

His parents didn't ask him to stay for the day. He was somewhat happy cause Tae wanted him to be back. Someone wanted to wait for him that was a first for him and he enjoyed every bit of the feeling. He just couldn't wait to head home and talk to Tae.

Though he didn't forget his parents as well. He checked they were taking their medicine or not. They had everything they needed or not.

Finally he was home where he had someone to talk , someone who'll listen. Somebody who messaged him a little ago asking when he will be back.


HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS...wishing you all the happiness in the world. Love you guys soooo much. What's new years resolution for you guys?

for me , it's being happy no matter what happens....

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