Part 22

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Upcoming days were a hassle for everyone . They want to observe Tae more , but Tae shuts out everyone. He was working non-stop for upcoming project planning. It was like when they started at first. 
Tae was almost the same as this, he was always a perfectionist and starting a big project like this made him more responsible. He worked like a beast then and made everyone give their best. He used to cancel every work of theirs which is good but not their best
That's how he made their company so popular and profitable in such a short period. But that was before, now they are comfortable and they know the way around business. So what's with all the extra work pressure. Everyone in their team was just shocked cause they didn't know the reason behind this. It was everyone's ease period which now changed into a craze period of extra work load and planning.

Hobi was exhausted as hell, as he made the characters of their upcoming gaming project, every character is declined by Tae. It felt like he was getting his revenge on Hobi by putting extra pressure on him. 
It was crazy for Namjoon as well, though they knew the reason for this extra work but it didn't make anything easier. And their planning of knowing the next step of Taehyung was also in a mess. They didn't have the energy to discuss anything further at night. They felt completely drained , and they were wondering how Tae was doing everything single-handedly. How can anyone do the entire planning,  making presentations ready for investors, monetising strategies and managing everyone and everything at this pace.

But actually it was an escape strategy for Taehyung. He always believed in making his ways himself . When he first saw that person ( cause he knows that he isn't Jungkook) , he felt the urge to know him more and see if he fits the position for his potential partner. Most of us have a type, right? Just like that Taehyung had one too. But the difference was that he made it more strategic . Maybe because he was a programmer , he planned his steps as logical as he wanted . When he started talking to Jungkook, he didn't know that he would be this much affected. His plans, his strategies everything went in vain afterwards. But when he saw Jungkook face to face , his world shook. He obviously liked him( a bit too much) but that wasn't how he planned his future. He was confused that he liked that guy whose face he imagined when he talked to Jungkook. Or he liked Jungkook's personality more. His confusion led him to hurt Kook and when his friends also didn't support his decision. He felt cornered, and when he should clear out his feelings and find whom he actually likes. He chose to shut everything out and close his feelings. He didn't like the creeping guilt feeling which was consuming his entire being. He didn't like it when he missed Kook so much he couldn't even sleep. So he chose to work like a beast, thus he wouldn't have the time to miss anyone. He shut off Kook's thoughts , which led him to frustration. He actually wasn't doing this much work on purpose. He was just being too cowardly to sort out his emotions and take the easy way out.

In Jungkook's apartment,
Yoongi was lost . He couldn't see the dull face of his brother. He had to go to his company as he had some urgent work but he came afterwards and what he saw , broke his heart. Jungkook was sitting on the balcony looking outside with lost eyes. His face had dried tear stains. The scene was so sad that he cried helplessly. He felt the need to do something for the younger. Jungkook was always the positive one , always helping out everyone, he consoled others when they were sad. Though Kook was miserable himself, but he didn't forget to smile for everybody.
But now it felt like he lost his warmth , his eyes which shined like the galaxy was now lost all his shine.

So when Kook's father called Yoongi to know about their son , he decided to invite them over. Cause he knew the younger loved his parents too much , maybe seeing them would cheer him up. Actually their gallery had an upcoming exhibition. Though it was 2 weeks after, but Jungkook was supposed to exhibit a series. That's why his father wanted to contact him but wasn't able to connect. So they contacted Yoongi because they knew he's the closest relative of Kook.

When his parents came , Yoongi approached them mentioning his recent heartbreak and encouraging them to brighten him up . Though Kook wasn't in mood of meeting anyone but he made himself little presentable and sat in front of them . Yoongi went in the kitchen for making something for them and also giving them privacy.

" Some persons come and go in life . You should be more careful about choosing your partner. If you can't, then we can arrange your marriage. But being upset over this and ruining your career is not good. Why didn't you go to your hospital? Thought you are more mature than this." , Kook's father said sternly.

Kook didn't reply, he was just putting his head down.
So he again said,
"You know about upcoming exhibition of our gallery, right? Why didn't you finish the series you mentioned earlier to exhibit! You have to think about how you should uplift your career at this stage of life, Not some casual love interest. Just forget about him and move on. Don't fret over this."

" Is moving on really easy?" , Kook said with a small voice.
"Huh?" ,his father asked to repeat.
" If moving on is easy then why didn't you? Why I had to endure your miseries this long? I felt like a paying guest in my own house all my life. I was obedient to you guys, followed everything you said. But where does it lead me?
I don't even know if I did anything right in my whole life! ", Kook said with an emotional voice.
His parents were shocked to the core, cause they never heard him talking back to them.

" I am sorry for yelling . I already submitted my pieces to the curator noona. Please just leave me alone, like you always do.", saying that Kook excused himself and went to his room. Yoongi was coming with the tray with coffee and cookies. He heard everything from the door. It was awkward afterwards. His parents left shortly. Yoongi felt horrible because he made Kook more upset. So he went to his room and said, " I am really sorry Kookie. I should have known better. I just wanted to cheer you up ".

Kook replied, " I know hyung, please don't say sorry. I just don't feel good right now. But I know you always did whatever you thought was best for me. I don't say much, but I really appreciate your presence. You made me feel safe and protected like family."

Yoongi was in tears , so he hugged the younger tightly which was pretty rare to see.

In Taehyung's apartment,

Jin asked Joon, " So, what are we gonna do? Do you think Taehyung is really thinking of patching things up?"

Joon replied, " I don't know hyung. I haven't seen him work this much in a very long time. I don't know if he is thinking about moving on or thinking about getting back together."

Hobi said, " I didn't see him this angry ever. Like he has turned into another man. Man ! today I was really scared to show my work. "

Joon said, " I think we should observe more. Cause I don't understand him in this excited stage. Maybe after sometime he'll cool down a bit and then we'll know what to do."

Jin replied, " But what about Jungkook? I'm really worried about him. Why he has to wait for Taehyung who isn't sure about what to do. What if he never wants to get back together. I am going to meet him tomorrow. "

Joon and Hobi agreed hesitantly. But one thing they didn't know was Taehyung got a notification on his phone which might turn everything upside down and opened a gate for new opportunities.

Taehyung had a dating app installed in his phone since way before. It helped him hooking up before he met Kook. They had a soulmate challenge contest months ago. It was just 100 random questions. Tae forgot about that contest , heck he even forgot that he had a dating app on his phone. The notification on his phone showed that he was chosen as 0.001% luckiest member. Cause his answer matched with someone about 98.9%. So they won the contest and next Sunday the app arranged a blind date with his supposed soulmate.

Taehyung was not interested in blind dating cause he never chooses someone without looking at him first. And his recent experience was worse as well. But he thought maybe it will help him cool down a little bit. Or it will just help him enjoy himself or just explore new possibilities. So he decided to go on this date. He once again checked his phone. Sunday, at New horizon cafe at 5 pm . The name of that person who was his supposed soulmate was Park Jimin.

Hey lovelies.....
So Taehyung is about to meet Jimin . What do you think will happen?
Will they fall in love at first sight?

What will happen to Jungkook?

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