Chapter One

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Nyx quickly dodged the axe that her younger sister Wednesday had thrown at her.

"Nice try, dear sister, but you are going to have to do better than that," Nyx smirked at the look of disappointment on her seven-year-old sister's face.

Nyx had just returned home from being expelled from another school. Morticia and Gomez were proud of her, of course. There was nothing wrong with being a little creative with chemicals in the lab without supervision. It was not her fault that the school board did not see it that way. Unfortunately for her, that only meant that there would be fewer boarding schools that would be willing to educate her, as it was the boarding schools that would help her battle with her dyslexia. Public schools can help her just like the boarding schools, however, she feels that she meant to go to boarding school. Like it was fate.

Wednesday does not yet understand why Nyx must go to boarding schools instead of public schools like her and Pugsley does. Nyx couldn't really explain it to her even if she tried. How could you explain to your little sister that it felt like your string of fate is pulling your towards all of these specific boarding schools. If she has to go to all of the boring boarding schools, then she will might as well make some fun out of it and go out with a bang.

"I am learning and perhaps on day I'll even defeat you in a spar." Wednesday stated.

"Perhaps you will one day." Nyx said. "Keep practicing, little sister. That is my advice is all I can give you."

"I look forwards to the future spar."

"As do I. Now, I believe our little brother is due for a good fright. Why don't you go a find him, Wednesday. I have to speak to our parents for my future boarding school."

Wednesday made a face. "I wish you good luck in finding a boarding school that will not be filled with rich arrogant children that have nothing better to do with their lives then to bully others for fun."

Nyx smirked. "Perhaps I will have some good luck."


After looking through many brochures of boarding schools, Nyx finally chose a boarding school named Yancy Academy. She does not really know why she chose that school. All she knew that she was being pulled towards it. She also felt that something big was going to happen this year. Majorly big was going to happen. Nyx does not know exactly what would happen but she what she does know is that after this years her life will change. Whether or not the change will be good or bad, that is yet to be determined. 

"Are you sure that you want to go to this Yancy Academy?"  Gomez looked sicked at the bright boarding school photo on the brochure. "It is not too late to change your mind and go to public school with Wednesday and Pugsley." 

"I am aware of that Father and I will keep that in mind next year when I get expelled from Yancy Academy." Nyx said to her adoptive father. 

It was only a few months after the birth of Wednesday that Morticia and Gomez decided that they would adopt Nyx into the family as well. She became family the moment she walked into the Addams Family home, of course. The reason why it took Morticia and Gomez so long to have Nyx adopted into their family was because of Nyx's ex-stepfather, Gabe Ugliano. He demanded that Nyx would return home to him. At first the law sided with him. stating that unless Nyx has another living relative that would be able to take her in, then she has no other choice but cooperate. 

 Gabe Ugliano was a selfish, vain, disrespectful, and a very lazy man. He was the exact opposite of what Nyx's biological mother was. Nyx would never know why her mother married such a man, and unfortunately will never know the truth. Thankfully, Morticia and Gomez were able to use those traits of his against him. It didn't help that he could never hold a job for a week and the living conditions of the apartment he was living in was not appropriate for a child to live there. It also did not help that Gabe had a real bad drinking problem and never stayed sober enough to convince the authorities that he was stable enough to house a child. 

How he managed to hide the fact he murdered her mother, Nyx will never know. 

"I know you are able to take care of yourself, my daughter. And I cannot help that as a mother to worry." Morticia said. "I sense that this year will be different, different than the previous years." 

"I can sense that too as well, Mother. Whatever happens, both good or bad,  I promise that I will be alright." Nyx promised. She meant it too. Nyx usually keeps up to her promises. 

Morticia smiled softly at her daughter. "I know you will, my little Nyx. Try not to kill anyone on your first day. I would hate to ruin your uniform." 

Nyx smirked. "I cannot make promises I cannot keep, Mother." 

"That's our girl." Gomez and Morticia smiled at the eleven year old. 

Nyx Addams may not be an Addams biologically, but she is an Addams through and through. 

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