An easy sacrifice

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Emma couldn't believe what she actually just heard. He traded his ship, the precious Jolly Rodger, for her.. even in the childhood cartoons it was clear how much his ship meant to him. He always spoke so fondly of his ship, she just couldn't wrap her mind around why he would do that.. why this man, this wonderful man, loves her so much. She couldn't speak, for fear that she would choke up so she did the next best thing, and kissed him.

This wasn't like the Neverland kiss, no. This wasn't an in the moment kind of deal. She wasn't doing this out of heated lust or sexual frustration, she poured all of her unsaid words into that kiss. Everything she's wanted to say since the moment she met him but he couldn't hear over her high and thick walls.

Her first love, Neal, was dead because she brought him into this mess. Her second love, Graham, was dead because she helped him remember. Even Walsh, even if she was under a spell, she loved him. And he was dead because of her. Everyone she'd ever been with was gone, which was one of the reasons she didn't let him in.

But it wasn't just that, Neal left her damaged like nobody could ever know. She loved him, she wanted a future with him, and to think that the future she wanted was so close and to have it ripped out of her hands so suddenly was too hard on her. But it made her stronger, it made her ready for the future. It reminded her that there was no fairy godmother that was going to come sweep her off of her feet and introduce her to Prince Charming, because if anyone knew there wasn't a prince charming walking around New York it was her, seeing all the nasty scum she caught for skipping bail.

What she didn't know then was that she didn't need a prince charming, just a pirate to come and show her everything she thought about love was wrong. Its a give and take situation, you have to make sacrifices. You have to learn to love them at their worst instead of wishing them to be their best because this is the real world and you don't have a good day sometimes, you make mistakes, you really screw up, but you have to be there for them. Nobody else was always there for her like that... but Hook, Killian, was.

She couldn't say all that, but she knew he could feel them under her kiss. The soft movement of their lips together almost in a conversation of their own. She got lost in the time, in the feel of him pressed against her, in the buzz of magic beneath her palms. They both pulled away slowly, a knowing smile passed between them as Killian drew her into a warm embrace where she finally lost it.

Not many people can say they have seen Emma Swan cry, but that short list just added a new person. He just buried his nose into the crook of her neck and let her cry, rubbing circles on her back. It wasn't a sad moment, but he knew her emotions had all come out at once. He felt like that when he realized he loved her, the first woman he had loved since Milah, the emotions toppled over him. Usually he would bottle them up in a flask of rum but he accepted them, and he looks back on it, of the look on her face when he told her so, he thinks it was the best idea he had ever had. Besides of course, trading his ship. He didn't have one hesitation in his mind when he made that trade, and if he had the chance to go back and do it again he would. He would always choose her.

She leaned out of the embrace wiping at her cheeks, eyes still glistening. "Sorry.. I just.. I never thought I would have this. Nobody has ever done something like that for me, nobody has ever loved me so much, and i've never loved anybody this much either." he looked absolutely shocked. "Emma love you're saying..." "I love you Killian. And that scares me. But its okay, because i'm in for the ride if you are. He gave the biggest most boyish grin she's ever seen him wear and brushed damp hair out of her face as he leaned in again.

They were just two fools in love, as she pointed out, and then the smile he had before seemed like a frown compared to the permanent one her wore as they walked hand in hand.

Hey guys! So this is my first oneshot in this book, please tell me how you liked it or disliked it, what you loved and what I could do better. I was listening to really emotional captainswan based songs during this so I blame those haha! -Maddi

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