The subway

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It took one early morning meeting to change his view of love at first sight.

Killian had awoken at 4 am to leave at 5am for an early morning meeting at 5:30am. He took the subway as always, it was the same as the 6 am accept emptier. There was an nice looking elderly couple, two men in clean cut suits like him, and a mother with an infant. The doors were about to close as glimpse of blonde hair runs through the crack. She doesn't ever bother sitting down, just holding on to one of the middle polls as she catches her breath.

God she was beautiful. Blonde hair pulled back into a slick ponytail, thick glasses perched on the edge of her nose, deep red lips that stood out against her pale complexion, black skinny jeans and a flowing cream colored silk blouse.

She chose this moment to look over her shoulder at where he was sitting, green eyes locking with his, giving a faint smile as her cheeks grew rosy from blush before turning back around.

He takes the early subway every morning after that


Emma's morning started off normally, she awoke at 4 am to leave at 5 am to get to work by 5:30 am. She picked out her outfit and got in the shower, taking a bit too long in the warm water. She was running 5 minutes behind, which wouldn't be a problem if she didn't have to take the subway.

She sprinted down the sidewalk and to the station as the doors were closing. She bolted twards them like it was middle school and the coach was screaming her head off. She made it just as the doors closed behind her. She grabbed onto a pole and caught her breath, she did dailey runs but never at that pace. She finally gets her heart rate down as she feels a pair of eyes on her.

She turns around and finds someone she's never seen on the subway before. Black hair and stubble, scar on his cheek, blue eyes with specs of silver, and a nice black suit. She locks eyes with him and gives him a small smile, heat growing on her cheeks as she realized they were both checking each other out and bringing herself not to look at him.

Every subway ride after that he's always there, always offering a small as she steps in.

She starts to enjoy it.


She woke up 30 whole minutes late. The power had gone out the previous night and she had an actual alarm clock instead of using her iPhone like most people. She quickly pulls on a white and black stripped sweater and black slacks with her black leather boots and leather jacket, putting on contacts instead of glasses and not bothering to put her hair in a ponytail.

She sprints down to the station, even faster than that first day Mr Gorgeous Blue eyes stepped on the subway. She makes it just in time narrowly avoiding getting squashed by the doors.

She nearly falls as she puts a light grip on the poll, she was exhausted, she went to sleep at midnight finishing up a paper for her work. She runs her fingers through her madded curls and the subway chose that moment to pull off, sending her tumbling onto the lap of someone as strong arms come around her to steady her weight


He almost thinks she won't come when a blob of blonde comes through the door. She was dressed in leather instead of a buisness suit and her hair flowed around her shoulders instead of being pulled up. He doesn't think she has ever looked more beautiful. She had dark bags around her eyes and he was positive she didn't get much sleep the previous night. She takes her hand off the poll for a second and the subway takes off, sending her flying back and into someone's lap.

His lap.

He wraps his arms around her to keep her from falling again, and her jaw drops as the realization of what just happened hit her, she turned to say something that he assumed was an apology as her voice caught in her throat. He could see specs of gold in her green eyes and little freckles dotting her cheeks.

"Oh my gosh I am so so sorry!" She scoots off of his lap into the seat next to him. "Lass it's no problem really, I was glad to be there to catch you. You seem quite tired today" she let's out a sigh of relief "You have no idea. I got about 4 and a half hours of sleep last night" he grimaced at the thought. "And to make matters worse I over slept" he gave a frown.

"There's this really great coffee place at our stop, maybe I can buy you one? Wake you up?" He asked hopefully. She seemed shocked by his offer. "Oh you really don't have to do that-" he cut off her rambling "Nonsense love, let me do this for you." She chews on her lip for a moment lost in thought. "Okay, but you have to let me make up for it." He smiled. "I'm sorry I don't think I've introduced myself, Killian Jones at your service." He took her hand and placed a kiss to the top of it.

She blushed and caught his eyes. "Swan, Emma Swan."

He bought her a coffee (strong and black, something they had in common interest) and she thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. Maybe the morning didn't turn out so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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