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ACT 02.

in every monthsary of y/n and saiki, the two wouldn't have anything planned.

it was either going out to a cafe to eat sweets or invade each other's for the night.

after the whole fiasco with their classmates, saiki decided to go to a neighbouring town's cafe to avoid them. he could no longer read people's minds nor could he use much of his powers. the only thing left was his insane strength.

the pair took the bus to the town. y/n who was previously occupied with spying on shiro with her camera in her house, fell asleep. with a shared wired earpiece, kusuo lightly placed his arms around y/n in fear of her falling off her seat. he had sat in the window seat while y/n sat near the walkway.

the pink-haired boy didn't know that it was a form of PDA. with his inability to read minds, he didn't know that there were teenagers around them that were jealous of the pair.

soundly, y/n slept through the whole bus ride. kusuo didn't even know how time flew that fast. he swore that it was only a mere second of him staring at y/n and the bus ride was over. tapping onto her shoulders, y/n eyes flickered open. the bright light of the bus startled her. within a few seconds, she adjusted herself, and finally, the two got off the bus.

y/n was nodding in and out of her sleep. her footsteps were wobbly which led to kusuo holding her hand to ensure she won't trip and fall face flat. he double-checked her shoelaces and sighed internally. y/n was sure a handful when she just awoken from her nap.

"you two are a
lovely couple."

an elderly woman smiled at the high schoolers. she too had a high school sweetheart. but in the presence of time, it all became a mere memory for her.

saiki blinked blankly, not replying. y/n in a daze from waking up didn't even manage to understand her words.

the woman chuckled. she couldn't help but allow the memories of her high school days to flood back to her. melancholy filled her as her flashbacks started.

unknowingly, a glossy tear escaped her eye. kusuo didn't know what was happening. y/n finally snapped out of her sleepy daze to see a woman who had a sad smile on her face.

frantically, she looked at her boyfriend who too had a confused expression on his face.

"kuu, did you
make her cry?"

y/n whispered to his ears. kusuo shook his head in reply. despite being the so-called cold individual she was, y/n had a good heart. seeing a woman crying in front of her wasn't something that y/n thought would ever happen in her life.

"um... miss are
you... alright?..."

as much as kusuo wanted to teleport out of the area, he knew not to. y/n gulped and looked at her boyfriend who wasn't much of a help.

"ah yes, i couldn't help
but reminise memories
of my high school days.
you see, my....."

the three stood on the sidewalk for a good 15 minutes of the woman spilling her whole life story to the young couple.

.... what is happening....

y/n wasn't much of an empathiser. kusuo was an emotionless person only reserving it for y/n.

"i'm... sorry to
hear that?..."

y/n answered for her and kusuo. knowing that her boyfriend wouldn't bat an eye about whatever the woman said, she decided to suck it up and do the talking. the only time kusuo was invested in a love story was the library love story which he accidentally found out due to the absence of his thin gloves.

"i shouldn't take much
of your time. please have

the woman showed a coupon to the cafe that y/n and kusuo was headed to. y/n took it with no hesitation. it was her reward for listening to her story for such a long period of time.

their 5 month anniversary was sure a weird one.

"kuu i want this."

y/n pointed at the desert for kusuo to take note. the boy who decided to sit beside her nodded. kusuo then helped to order and the two silently held their hands under the table.

"what are you planning
to do after high school?"

y/n asked. it had been a question she had for the longest time. y/n didn't know what she wanted to do at the moment and had decided to aim for the most normal university in her prefecture.

"i'm planning to major in
economics at sayftee university."

"ehh, i'm planning
to go there too."

two normal people in a normal university. what could possibly go wrong?

in all honesty, kusuo didn't know what would be his occupation in the future. in fact, he couldn't see himself in any jobs. right then, kusuo thought to himself.

a househusband sounds fitting.

"eh saiki-kun
you're here?"

the whole cafe resounded a loud 'oof'. y/n slumped in her seat as she realised who was talking. kusuo's grip on y/n's hand got a tiny bit tighter.

what a way to enjoy that 5 month anniversary.

ACT 02

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