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ACT 03 

it was a miracle that y/n managed to survive. despite being an infant with a severe case of hypothermia, she pulled through and was now recovering in the intensive care unit. her new parents were relieved. m/n thanked her lucky stars that her daughter was alive. 

the pair stayed at the hospital for a whole week. only going out to get food. they stayed by y/n's side, disregarding their workload in their office. the child was merely less than a month years old and was already suffering so much. the least that the married couple could do was to be by her side. 

the nurse had informed her that the baby was around 3 weeks old, and although her birthdate was unconfirmed, the pair decided that the day they rescued her would be her birthday. 

m/n and f/n had named their beautiful child, y/n. 

due to this incident, y/n's health during her childhood years was weak. she would always fall sick during the autumn and winter seasons despite being at home. her fever was severe, often leading to late rides to the hospital. worry seized m/n and f/n's hearts as they stayed beside y/n who lay on the hospital bed. 

y/n pulled through. now 17, she was healthy and strong. her body recovered fully and it was all due to her parents' determination. medical bills were hefty and yet her parents never batted an eye and always ensured that she got the care she needed. 

"thank... you...
for saving me." 

y/n said in a soft voice. after finally hearing the full story, gratefulness swelled in her. thankful to her parents, y/n embraced them in a hug. it was out of character for her to do so. but there she was, hugging her parents. f/n, being the emotional parent he was, broke out in tears. sobbing at the dining table, f/n mumbled some incoherent words. 

warmth filled m/n and f/n. they were glad that they made the right choice of saving y/n. she was a gem in their household. a beautiful gem. 

"we would do it
all over again." 

m/n patted y/n's head and pressed a loving kiss on her cheeks. y/n allowed her to do so. 

maybe dating kusuo made me all soft. 

y/n thought to herself. y/n wondered where her birth mother even got the audacity to show up after 17 years. it was absurd in her opinion. does she not have any shame after abandoning me? 

y/n didn't know that her birthday held such significance in her life. years ago, she was saved on the exact same date that was called her birthday. 

the food, now a little cold, was still as delicious as ever. hearing the story of her so-called adoption made y/n a little more appreciative. the homemade meals her mother would cook. even with her hectic schedule with work. without a fail, her mother would cook dinner and make bentos for her to school. 

her father who was a bit aloof whenever his daughter showed affection would work his hardest and to the best of his ability. bringing shiro and the kittens to the vet for checkups and giving y/n money whenever she wants to go shopping for new stuff. 

"if... she ever comes
to visit me... what
should i do?' 

y/n asked her parents. y/n had a gut feeling that this wouldn't be the last time that she would see her birth mother. the woman was still the person who brought her into the world. y/n felt conflicted. should i avoid her? act like i never knew her? or acknowledge it? y/n didn't know what to do. 

"do what your
heart tells you." 

her father replied with a smile. y/n blinked blankly. what my heart tells me? my heart tells me that i want to go to sleep and cuddle with shiro... 

y/n pursed her lips. with a nod, she continued eating. her parents asked her about her school and some regular stuff. it was as if that encounter never happened at all. 

after dinner y/n went into her room. shiro was napping on her bed. his kittens were in the living room with f/n. reaching for her phone, y/n dialled the only number that she had in her mind. on the second ring, the person picked up. 


"kuu, you cannot believe
what happened today." 

now y/n wasn't really much of a speaker, but on this starry night, kusuo found himself hearing y/n's rambles for the night about everything that had happened. he listened carefully to his girlfriend's words. a little pissed with her birth mother but neutral nonetheless. 

"what do you plan to do?" 

kusuo asked. it had been 30 minutes of y/n spilling the tea about her life. 

"is it bad to say
that i don't know?" 

"perfectly fine." 

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