Genuinely I was happy for Brandon. It was his dream and it was coming true but don't know why somewhere I was hurt becuase he was going very far away from me and I don't wanted to say him good bye. He was enjoying his success alot. His parents and roomi everyone was happy. I went to the balcony facing towards clouds and trying to hide my tears. He came to me hold my hands and said "I know you are thinking I will go very far away and we will not meet like this anymore in future and we also not spend our quality time together but! I promise when I will be back we will get married". He kissed my hand and I was shocked by his words then I said to him "really! We will get married after your graduation?". He answered "yes! My love". I hugged me and kissed him our kiss change into smooch. Suddenly his mother approach us. She said "come dear let's go! We have to pack bags for brandon". We went to Brandon's room and collect all his staff and packed his bag. He get ready for airport we were seeing of him he hugged his mother and then take his munchkin and asked her "will you miss me?". She answered "yes but you have to call everyday ok!". He answered "yeah I will call everyday now let me meet your mother". He came to me kiss on my forehead hugged me and went for flight. The home wasn't feeling like home it was complete silent. I can feel him I was missing him. I smell his fragrance from every corner of house.