Meeting Him

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      Have you ever thought that fairy tales were real? Or maybe thought that someone was watching you? I’m pretty sure most of you have. I know I have, hell I think that all the time. Some people might think I’m crazy and I would have to agree with them, I am crazy but that’s just me. Who am I you might ask. Well my name is Skylar. Markx, I’m about 5’6 with raven black hair, and green eyes. My black hair I get from my dad. My dad is about 6’0 ft. and has blue eyes. Now my dad is a bit different from othere people’s dads. He’s a drag queen, but not just any old drag. A straight drag queen. He does it for fun. He’s completely spiritual about it. My mom she was ok with it for awhile. My mom is about 5’7 with blond hair and green eyes like me. Any ways I guess she didn’t like the fact that my dad dressed up like a women and went out at night to work at Dame Amour which is French for lady love, cause she left after I was born. Dame Amour is a drag bar, and he loves it there. If your wondering what me and my brother’s think of it, well were perfectly fine with it. As long as he’s happy then what’s the problem.

    Any way back to the introduction’s the oldest is Riley. He’s 21 with black hair, green eyes and is about 6’0. Next in line is LeeLand who is 20, he has blond hair, green eyes and is about 6’0. After him is Danny who is 19 he has blond hair, blue eyes and is about 6’0 also. Last but not least is me I’m 18. I think I get along with Danny more because he’s almost the same age as me.

     Back to the main topic. This whole thing started when a man came into town, but not just any man. He was amazingly handsome. He was tall about 6’2 he had green eyes and brown hair. He was amazing in all aspects. His name? Well most called him Mr. Jones and he was my teacher. But there was some thing off about him. He was, he was different and I was attracted to him. Every girl in school was attracted to him. But maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me, or maybe it was really there but at times he would look at me like I was the most important thing on earth. Like I said I don’t know if it was just me or if it was really there but either way I wanted him.

      Let me start from the beginning when he first arrived and how my world changed from then on.

     (Beep, Beep, Beep)

    I slammed my fist on the dumb alarm clock. Mondays, nobody likes them. I removed the sheets from my body and got up to go take a shower. I dragged my tired body to the bathroom that I share with 3 other people who seem to take just as much time getting dressed as I do, and that’s saying a lot considering I’m a girl. I knocked on the bathroom door to see which monster was in there now.

   “ What?”  Danny called from the other side of the door.

“How much longer are you going to be?” I called back.

“Not much longer” He said as he opened the bathroom door.

“Really?” I asked while I shook my head and  pushed him aside so I could get into the shower.

I jumped in the shower and did my thing. After I got out I did my hair which was put into high pony tail. Then threw on my clothes which consist of just a mint blue strapless romper. I slipped on my white wedges and headed out of the bathroom. I grabbed my bag before I headed down stairs where my brothers were waiting for me.

“About time you got down here” Riley said as he grabbed the keys to the truck.

We headed to the high school were I would be dropped off and then they would be on there marry ‘ol way.  As we pulled up I started to get my stuff together.

“I’ll be out here by the time school is over so be ready ok? I really don’t feel like waiting” Riley said as I got out.

I nodded and watched them drive away. I pulled out my schedule and began looking for my locker. Once I found my locker I put my bag in there except my notebook and a pencil which I took with me.  I looked at my schedule and noticed I had English first which just so happens to be my favorite subject.

Once I got in there I realized the teacher wasn’t in here yet. I took a seat in the back and pulled out my phone and decided to text Alexa. Alexa was my best friend since like the first grade. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She’s a bit smaller than me at 5’4 but she’s really pretty.

-Hey were are you? S-

-I just got here…where are you? A-

-I’m in my English class its room 212 S-

-Ok I have the same class I’ll be there in a few A-

-Ok see you S-

I put my phone away as the bell rung and people started to come in. Alexa came in and sat next to me.

“Hey girly how was your summer?” Alexa said.

“You would know I spent the whole summer with you dummy” I said as  I smacked her arm lightly. She laughed.

“I know but still” I rolled my eyes and turned to face the front as the teacher came in. I swear I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. He was drop dead gorgeous. I could tell I wasn’t the only one who thought so. The girls were practically drooling and pulling down there shirts. I rolled my eyes at that. Now I may be drooling but I’m not going to practically shove my boobs at him, that’s just down right stupid.

“Good morning my  names is Mr. Jones, I’m going to take attendance then since it’s our first day we’ll play an ice-breaker activity.” He instructed. He started calling out names and I peacefully droned him out until he called my name.

“Skylar Markx?” He said looking up.

“Here” I said. His head snapped toward mines and he just looked at me before moving on.

Once he was done with attendance he told us that we would go around and say our name, are hobbies, and what we did this summer. We went around alphabetically by last names.

“Alexa Mac your turn” Mr. Jones said. Alexa stood up.

“My name is Alexa Mac and I’m an Alcoholic” We all laughed and she continued.

“Ok um I like to play soccer but only for fun, and I like to take pictures. Now what I did this summer would be I spent the whole summer with my best friend doing nothing but frying brain cells” She said as she sat down. We laughed again and Mr. Jones called me.

“Thank you Alexa. Next is Skylar Markx” He said as he looked at me. I stood up.

“My names is Skylar Markx I like long walks on the beach and this summer I spent time with my best friend and we didn’t do much” I said as I sat down. Mr. Jones stared at me again then moved on.

Once we were done Mr. Jones decided to introduce himself.

“My name is Cayden Jones I like to spend time with my friends and I played football when I was in high school. What I did this summer was I went to different places looking for something important to me” He said as he looked at me. People started to raise there hand and by people I mean the girls.

“So what did u look for?”

“Did you find it?”

“How old are you?”

“Are you single?” I laughed at the last question, but on the inside I kind of wanted to know.

“Ok um to question 1 I was looking for a girl, and yes I did find her, I’m 23, and currently I’m single but I’m hoping to fix that.” He said as he once again looked at me. Now you might think well this is creepy, but honestly I felt my heart flutter every time he looked at me and butterflies in my stomach when he spoke.

He answered a few more question’s that the girls threw at him. I zoned out until I heard the bell ring. I stood up grabbed my things and was about to go out the door until Mr. Jones called me back.

“Ms. Marks can I see you for a moment?” I turned around and looked into his brown eyes.

Author Note: First chaptere tell me what you think.

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